Search for: "Daniel Shaviro" Results 261 - 280 of 432
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6 May 2014, 12:05 pm by Paul Caron
Mitchell Kane (NYU) presents Transfer Pricing, Integration and Novel Intangibles: A Consensus Approach to the Arm's Length Standard at NYU today as part of its Tax Policy Colloquium Series hosted by Daniel Shaviro and Alan Auerbach: This paper will be organized as follows. [read post]
29 Apr 2014, 1:29 pm by Paul Caron
. ___ (2014), at NYU today as part of its Tax Policy Colloquium Series hosted by Daniel Shaviro and Alan Auerbach: What mix of policy instruments should governments employ to raise revenues or... [read post]
22 Apr 2014, 3:13 pm by Paul Caron
State Experience under Formulary Apportionment at NYU today as part of its Tax Policy Colloquium Series hosted by Daniel Shaviro and Alan Auerbach: This work undertakes a comprehensive analysis of the US state experience under formulary apportionment of... [read post]
15 Apr 2014, 6:52 pm by Daniel Shaviro
International Taxation by Daniel Shaviro – Monday, April 28th, 12:30 PM to 1:50 PM – Vanderbilt Hall Room 220, 40 Washington Square South:"Please join us for a discussion of Professor Daniel Shaviro’s current book, Fixing U.S. [read post]
15 Apr 2014, 11:28 am by Paul Caron
Conlon (Columbia) at NYU today as part of its Tax Policy Colloquium Series hosted by Daniel Shaviro and Alan Auerbach: Alcohol markets are subject to both heavy... [read post]
15 Apr 2014, 11:09 am by Daniel Shaviro
 New York University Law Professor Daniel N. [read post]
8 Apr 2014, 1:00 pm by Paul Caron
Susannah Camic Tahk (Wisconsin) presents The Tax War on Poverty at NYU today as part of its Tax Policy Colloquium Series hosted by Daniel Shaviro and Alan Auerbach: In recent years, the war on poverty has moved in large part into the tax code. [read post]
1 Apr 2014, 12:52 pm by Paul Caron
Andrew Biggs (American Enterprise Institute) presents The Risk to State and Local Budgets Posed by Public Employee Pensions at NYU today as part of its Tax Policy Colloquium Series hosted by Daniel Shaviro and Alan Auerbach: State and local government employee pension plans fund guaranteed retirement benefit using portfolios of... [read post]
30 Mar 2014, 7:14 am by Paul Caron
There is a bit of movement in this week's list of the Top 5 Recent Tax Paper Downloads on SSRN, with a new paper debuting on the list at #2: [466 Downloads] The Economics of Tax Law, by Daniel Shaviro (NYU) [361 Downloads] Submission to Finance Department on Implementation of... [read post]
25 Mar 2014, 2:16 pm by Paul Caron
Weinzierl (Harvard Business School) presents Revisiting the Classical View of Benefit-Based Taxation at NYU today as part of its Tax Policy Colloquium Series hosted by Daniel Shaviro and Alan Auerbach: This paper explores how the persistently popular "classical" logic of benefit based taxation, in which an individual's benefit... [read post]
23 Mar 2014, 7:36 am by Paul Caron
This week's list of the Top 5 Recent Tax Paper Downloads on SSRN is the same as last week's list, with some reshuffling of the order of the papers within the Top 5: [430 Downloads] The Economics of Tax Law, by Daniel Shaviro (NYU) [276 Downloads] 2012 Developments in Connecticut... [read post]
16 Mar 2014, 12:40 am by Paul Caron
There is quite a bit of movement in this week's list of the Top 5 Recent Tax Paper Downloads on SSRN, with three new papers debuting on the list at #3, #4, and #5: [399 Downloads] The Economics of Tax Law, by Daniel Shaviro (NYU) [267 Downloads] 2012 Developments in... [read post]
4 Mar 2014, 11:34 am by Paul Caron
Logue (Michigan) present Delegating Tax at NYU today as part of its Tax Policy Colloquium Series hosted by Daniel Shaviro and Alan Auerbach: Congress delegates extensive and growing lawmaking authority to federal administrative agencies in areas other than taxation, but tightly limits... [read post]
3 Mar 2014, 11:37 am
International Taxation, Daniel Shaviro has undertaking a thorough reconceptualization of the United States' approach to international tax law and policy. [read post]
3 Mar 2014, 11:37 am
International Taxation, Daniel Shaviro has undertaking a thorough reconceptualization of the United States' approach to international tax law and policy. [read post]
2 Mar 2014, 6:18 am by Paul Caron
There is a bit of movement in this week's list of the Top 5 Recent Tax Paper Downloads on SSRN, with a new paper debuting on the list at #4: [330 Downloads] The Economics of Tax Law, by Daniel Shaviro (NYU) [287 Downloads] Important Developments in Federal Income Taxation, by... [read post]
25 Feb 2014, 12:15 pm by Paul Caron
.: International Tax and Ownership Nationality at NYU today as part of its Tax Policy Colloquium Series hosted by Daniel Shaviro and Alan Auerbach: The ownership nationality of large US multinational companies plays an implicit but important role in the current... [read post]
23 Feb 2014, 7:02 am by Paul Caron
There is a bit of movement in this week's list of the Top 5 Recent Tax Paper Downloads on SSRN, with a new #1 paper and a paper returning to the list at #5: [270 Downloads] The Economics of Tax Law, by Daniel Shaviro (NYU) [267 Downloads] Important Developments in... [read post]