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20 Nov 2012, 10:04 am
"   Once the prerogative of theconsumer, confusion is nowa matter for the judge ...The Court then cited cases including esure Insurance Ltd v Direct Line [2008] RPC 34, Re GE Trade Mark [1973] RPC 297 and Gut Springenheide GmbH v Oberkreisdirektor des Kreises Steinfurt (Case C-210/96) from which it was clear that the ultimate issue of confusion is one for the judge, rather than witnesses, but that a judge can reach the conclusion in the absence of evidence from consumers… [read post]
Osborne Professor of Law, and Pam Karlan, the Kenneth and Harle Montgomery Professor of Public Interest Law, interviewed Sklansky. [read post]
23 Jan 2007, 4:01 pm
Osborn then filed a motion to this effect, which was never ruled upon. [read post]
20 Jul 2009, 2:00 am
: TTAB says STEAM N’ MASH merely descriptive of process potatoes: In re ProMark Brands Inc (not precedential) (TTABlog) WYHA? [read post]
17 Oct 2014, 11:45 am by Juan C. Antúnez
As I’ve previously written here, under Florida law it’s possible to have more than one homestead property, even if you’re not living in the second house. [read post]
20 Feb 2022, 4:29 am by SHG
” It’s “utterly typical and common,” says Ken White, a partner at Brown White & Osborn LLP and the man behind the popular “Popehat” Twitter account. [read post]
24 May 2010, 7:42 am by Lyle Denniston
Osborn (08-6) but ultimately did not decide — is raised in Skinner v. [read post]
21 Feb 2013, 3:21 pm by Stephen Bilkis
A New York Custody Lawyer said that, on cross-examination, however, the agency worker testified that before the petitions were filed, she telephonically spoke with a family service specialist from the Osborne Association who had contacted her on respondent's behalf regarding the children. [read post]
19 Sep 2018, 7:16 am by Ars Staff
Sometimes, advertisers don’t seem to recognize they’re excluding users by gender. [read post]
22 Jan 2015, 9:56 pm
Osborne, 11 Wall. 516, 546 (1871) (a patent may be “so interspersed with technical terms and terms of art that the testimony of scientific witnesses is indispensable to a correct understanding of i [read post]
26 Sep 2012, 12:00 am by Michael Scutt
  Take Five – Dave Brubeck The pattern in the last ten UK BlawgRound Ups has been to take a look at the UK blawging scene, writing about the bloggers blog blog blogging away. [read post]
9 Apr 2020, 2:13 pm by Mary Beth
Baseball MoviesHalloween MoviesThanksgiving MoviesFather’s Day Movies Baseball Movies We may not have an MLB team in Portland yet, but that doesn’t mean we’re not fans. [read post]
11 Apr 2018, 8:53 am by Goldfinger Injury Lawyers
CASE LAW RE: QUANTUM FOR LOSS OF A PARENT OF ADULT CHILDREN Citation Notes Damages Assessed Madonia v Stevens (2008), [2009] WDFL 1556, 2008 CarswellOnt 8256 (Ont Sup Ct J). [read post]
18 Jun 2012, 3:50 am by INFORRM
The Leveson Inquiry heard from Gordon Brown MP, George Osborne MP, Sir John Major, Ed Miliband MP, Harriet Harman QC MP, Nick Clegg MP, Alex Salmond MSP, David Cameron MP. [read post]
20 Jun 2012, 12:38 pm by Charon QC
There appears, however, to be some form of ‘aggressive tax avoidance’ which chancellor Osborne and prime minister Cameron regard as ‘morally repugnant’. [read post]
21 Aug 2019, 11:04 am by Goldfinger Injury Lawyers
  Here are some cases which the Courts lean on when assessing fatality claims for the loss of a parent of adult children: CASE LAW RE: QUANTUM FOR LOSS OF A PARENT OF ADULT CHILDREN Citation Notes Damages Assessed Madonia v Stevens (2008), [2009] WDFL 1556, 2008 CarswellOnt 8256 (Ont Sup Ct J). [read post]