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15 Jun 2024, 8:02 am by Benson Varghese
States Where Bump Stocks Are Illegal State Legal Status Statute California Illegal Penal Code Section 30600 Colorado Illegal HB19-1177 Connecticut Illegal Section 53-202w Delaware Illegal Title 11, Chapter 5 Florida Illegal SB 7026 Hawaii Illegal HRS 134-8 Maryland Illegal Criminal Law Section 4-301 Massachusetts Illegal Chapter 140, Section 121 Nevada Illegal NRS 202.360 New Jersey Illegal PL 2018, c.39 New York Illegal Penal Law 265.01 Rhode Island Illegal Title… [read post]
15 Jun 2024, 8:02 am by Benson Varghese
States Where Bump Stocks Are Illegal State Legal Status Statute California Illegal Penal Code Section 30600 Colorado Illegal HB19-1177 Connecticut Illegal Section 53-202w Delaware Illegal Title 11, Chapter 5 Florida Illegal SB 7026 Hawaii Illegal HRS 134-8 Maryland Illegal Criminal Law Section 4-301 Massachusetts Illegal Chapter 140, Section 121 Nevada Illegal NRS 202.360 New Jersey Illegal PL 2018, c.39 New York Illegal Penal Law 265.01 Rhode Island Illegal Title… [read post]
1 Sep 2009, 4:06 am
(a Delaware limited liability company headquartered in New Jersey), all manufacturers of hormone replacement drugs, in federal court in Minnesota. [read post]
28 Aug 2012, 12:39 pm
For New Jersey residents, most of the time, it makes the most sense to form a New Jersey LLC. [read post]
20 Feb 2009, 5:04 am
Plaintiffs were residents of New Jersey, and the complained-of surgery occurred in Delaware. [read post]
29 Jun 2017, 11:06 am by Spencer Persson
BMS is a Delaware corporation that maintains substantial operations in both New York and New Jersey. [read post]
6 Mar 2012, 3:30 am
  Accordingly, because of Hertz’s unchallenged declaration indicating that its center of direction, control, and coordination and its headquarters were located in New Jersey, the Supreme Court concluded that its principal place of business was New Jersey under the nerve-center test. [read post]
10 May 2010, 5:30 am
§ 362(a)(1), the plaintiffs filed a class action against JEVIC and Sun in the state court of New Jersey, also alleging violation of the New Jersey WARN Act, replicating their claim in Bankruptcy Court. [read post]
16 Jan 2014, 6:31 am by Howard Wasserman
So what happens if Daimler is sued in, say, New Jersey, where MBUSA is "home"? [read post]
3 May 2007, 12:07 pm
AstraZeneca's Nexium: This slow-moving case in New Jersey is in the pre-trial phase, but is subject to the fundamental problem that separation of the enantiomers of omeprazole is likely to be considered obvious. [read post]
15 Dec 2011, 8:34 am by Steve Hall
The others are New Mexico, New Jersey and New York. [read post]
23 Feb 2024, 1:50 pm by David Super
  It is losing states faster than it is gaining them:  in the last few years, Colorado, Delaware, Maryland, Nevada, and New Mexico rescinded Article V applications for causes ALEC is promoting; Illinois, New Jersey, and Oregon rescinded unrelated old applications after ALEC-aligned groups claimed those could somehow be counted to reach the necessary 34 states. [read post]
11 Jun 2009, 3:17 pm
Federal Aviation Administration, brought 12 lawsuits together that represented a multitude of petitioners from Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, and Connecticut. [read post]