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1 Sep 2020, 12:54 am by CMS
In this post, Joanna Clark and Emma Ainsley of CMS discuss the judgment handed down by the UK Supreme Court on 15 July 2020 in a referral from the High Court of Justiciary, the Scottish criminal appeal court, in the matter of Sutherland v Her Majesty’s Advocate [2020] UKSC 32 concerning the admissibility of evidence obtained by so-called “paedophile hunter” groups in criminal trials. [read post]
18 Aug 2020, 9:08 am by Phil Dixon
Five to eight people were walking away from the area in various directions in a field between buildings and other people were standing closer to the buildings. [read post]
17 Aug 2020, 8:40 am by Randy E. Barnett
Kramer, The People Themselves: Popular Constitutionalism and Judicial Review (Oxford, 2004) Danie [read post]
15 Jul 2020, 10:05 pm by Jeff Richardson
  Now that I think about it, it has been a long time since I wrote citations for an academic publication — I see that the law review article that I wrote in law school hasn't been cited since Clark v. [read post]
4 Jul 2020, 9:56 am
  And so, even as a great many peoples worship the idea of the formless, they cannot help but provide manifestations of that formlessness as a bridge (and then ultimately as the thing itself). [read post]
28 Jun 2020, 8:14 pm by Steve Gottlieb
Press 2008); Charles Lane, The Day Freedom Died: The Colfax Massacre, the Supreme Court, and the Betrayal of Reconstruction (Henry Holt & Company 2008); and United States v. [read post]
6 May 2020, 12:01 pm by Scott R. Anderson, Margaret Taylor
The House of Representatives was supposed to return to Capitol Hill on Monday, May 4, after a lengthy recess interrupted sporadically by brief returns to vote on coronavirus-related relief bills. [read post]
16 Mar 2020, 6:43 am by Kevin Kaufman
The tax is imposed on revenue from digital advertising served to people in Maryland, which will drive up the cost of advertising to Marylanders. [read post]
26 Feb 2020, 2:21 pm by Unknown
Clark County Sheriff's Office (Indian Gaming)Tribal Courts Bulletin v. [read post]
21 Feb 2020, 5:00 am by Daniel E. Cummins, Esq.
Cummins is the managing partner of the Clarks Summit, PA law firm of Cummins Law. [read post]
5 Feb 2020, 7:15 am by Ilya Somin
I am not sure if people who are not students and/or faculty at the University of Pisa will be allowed to attend this event. [read post]