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20 Dec 2008, 9:45 am
Ooh, this is just so frustrating for Andrew Cuomo.From 1990 to 2003, Cuomo the Younger was married, Montague-and-Capulet style, to Robert F. [read post]
18 Jul 2012, 3:08 pm
On Tuesday, Kerry Kennedy, the ex-wife of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and the daughter of Robert F. [read post]
2 May 2007, 6:13 pm
Andrew Cohen at Bench Conference has the analysis. [read post]
15 Aug 2022, 8:52 am by Margaret Wood
In July, Andrew and Robert wrote respectively about feedback driven improvements and a new feature which allows users to download audio files for any section of the Congressional Record Daily Edition. [read post]
17 Jul 2007, 12:07 pm
As general background on the history of the nondiscrimination ideal, the best place to start is Andrew Kull's prize-winning The Color-Blind Constitution (Harvard Press). [read post]
20 Dec 2010, 8:32 am
Well, its been a very busy few months, but one of the recent highlights was the 20th Anniversary Gala for the Pro Bono Resource Center of Maryland, where Andrew Dansicker was honored with a Certificate of Congressional Recognition from Congressman Steny Hoyer and an award from Chief Judge Robert Bell for committment to pro bono services during the past several years. [read post]
15 Nov 2022, 6:30 am by Guest Blogger
For the Balkinization Symposium on Andrew Koppelman, Burning Down the House: How Libertarian Philosophy Was Corrupted by Delusion and Greed  (St. [read post]
10 Apr 2012, 10:16 am by lawmrh
However, the link to this morning’s decision announced via an approximately 18 minute hearing is available here: Thomas, Aubuchon, & Alexander – Findings. _____________________________________________________________ Photo credit: “”Robert McGee, scalped by Sioux Chief Little Turtle in 1864. [read post]
23 Sep 2009, 6:05 am by Mark Keenan
Roebyn Tusk, 56, of Donhead St Andrew, was found guilty in his absence on Monday for failing to supply information to the Child Support Agency (CSA). [read post]
25 Feb 2025, 8:18 am by Kaufman Dolowich
Andrew Richards, Co-Chair of the Construction Practice Group and Co-Managing Partner of KD’s Long Island Office, who was instrumental in bringing the group to KD, noted: “I could not be more thrilled to welcoming (sic) Daniel, Steven, Robert and Megan to our firm. [read post]
11 Jul 2012, 2:58 pm by jly
(message of Robert Franzese – President of the Society For Political Methodology) Filed under: Uncategorized [read post]