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26 Jun 2018, 7:07 am by Christine Corcos
Holmess literary style mimics and enacts two characteristics of Ralph Waldo Emerson’s thought: “superfluity” and the “poetics of transition,” concepts ascribed to Emerson and developed by literary critic Richard Poirier. [read post]
16 Jun 2014, 11:58 am
Poppy's fashionable twist to the traditional Sherlock Holmes ensemble:but will it be sufficiently original? [read post]
26 Jul 2012, 10:53 am by Lisa A. Mazzie
Second, it was widely speculated that custody of Holmes’ and Cruise’s daughter would be an issue. [read post]
13 Feb 2024, 6:43 pm by Samuel Bray
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., Ideals and Doubts, in Collected Legal Papers 303, 305 (1920), quoted in Michael Boudin's review of a volume of Louis Brandeis's letters, 85 Yale L. [read post]
26 Mar 2008, 6:48 am
That's Basil Rathbone, of course, portraying Sherlock Holmes,  in one of the many reruns of the  Holmes' movies I used to watch as a kid on Sunday mornings on our non-flat screen, non-color TV set. [read post]
12 Jul 2012, 2:14 pm
Holmes, who at age thirty-three is seventeen years Cruise's junior, is best known for the 1990's television series Dawson's Creek. [read post]
7 May 2018, 9:46 am
That passage of 35 years also marks, roughly, the span of Mycroft Holmess career in the British government. [read post]
7 May 2018, 9:46 am by Christine Corcos
That passage of 35 years also marks, roughly, the span of Mycroft Holmess career in the British government. [read post]
10 May 2019, 6:30 am by Dan Ernst
  DRE] Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes (LC)As publishers of books on law and legal history, we are currently working on a book entitled The Black Book of Justice Holmes: Text Transcripts and Commentary, edited by Michael H. [read post]
21 Aug 2012, 3:45 am by tortsprof
Jill Wieber Lens (Baylor) has just posted "Justice Holmes's Bad Man and the Depleted Purposes of Punitive Damages" to SSRN. [read post]
11 Jan 2012, 3:56 am by babybarista
Nice to see a mention of the partnership between BabyBarista and the ICLR online at Nick Holmes’ [read post]
26 Apr 2023, 1:27 pm by Beth Mole
In an unsurprising legal move, Holmes filed a last-ditch motion with the US Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit, challenging a lower court's denial of bail as she appeals her conviction. [read post]
14 Jan 2011, 12:39 pm by Eugene Volokh
(Eugene Volokh) My wife and I are watching and much enjoying Sherlock, the BBC’s unfortunately very short new series. [read post]
10 May 2007, 7:52 am
Oliver Wendell Holmes wrote a few brilliant aphorisms. [read post]
6 Jan 2014, 6:11 am by Rebecca Tushnet
Watson’s background as an athlete; and (3) Sherlock Holmess retirement from his detective agency. [read post]
6 Aug 2012, 2:41 pm by Andrew Dat
  And make no bones about it; based on her relationship with Holmes, she’s definitely going to get called up by one side or the other. [read post]
21 Mar 2016, 1:15 pm
Canonizing is outside the scope of the Green Bag’s authority (and interest, and competence), but illustrating and publishing are not. [read post]
1 Aug 2008, 5:29 am
Selected Quote: "The life of the law has not been logic; it has been experience" Download the entire publication below: The Common Law by Oliver Wendell Holmes (PDF) Read the entire publication online (Courtesy of Harvard's Law Library) [read post]