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2 Sep 2010, 6:57 am by Jeff Lipshaw
  (Full disclosure:  I have no clue about the International Botanical Congress, but I tend to side with people like Steve Bainbridge on the shareholder democracy issue:  a corporation is NOT a democracy. [read post]
9 Jun 2022, 4:57 am by Mitu Gulati
 I owe an ever lasting debt to those colleagues -- thank you to Bill Klein, Devon Carbado, Steve Bainbridge, Rick Sander and more. [read post]
3 May 2010, 8:00 am by Lucas A. Ferrara, Esq.
Fairgrounds, Bath, NY Steuben Central NY May 110am-6pmMay 210am-4pm Rome Home Show New York National Guard Armory1110 Black River Blvd Rome, NY Oneida May 285pm-9pmMay 29-3011am-9pm General Clinton Regatta General Clinton Park, Rt. 7,Bainbridge, NY Chenango Capital Region May 2910:30am-7pmMay 3012pm-9pm East Durham Irish Festival The Michael J. [read post]
7 Feb 2010, 6:00 am by Miriam Baer
  In this vein, consider Steve Bainbridge's claim on how the corporation acts as a buffer between individuals and an all-powerful state (true, he was talking about political participation by entities, but I assume those feelings transfer over to questions on how to assign blame). [read post]
5 Jul 2007, 1:36 pm
  The symposium will include responsive essays by key scholars, lawyers, and activists working in the very corporate-governance areas the Vice Chancellor highlights, including Steve Bainbridge of UCLA Law School (whose response, The Shared Interests of Managers and Labor in Corporate Governance, is available here); John Bogle, founder of Vanguard; Rich Ferlauto, of the American Federation of State, County & Municipal Employees' Union; Ronald Gilson of Stanford… [read post]
2 Jun 2008, 1:50 pm
" In response to Steve Bainbridge's comment and post on the possibility of Unocal review based on Yahoo's "threatened" deal with Google, I noted: "The short response to your comment is that there is no Google maneuver, yet. [read post]
30 Jan 2007, 1:32 pm
  Professor Steve Bainbridge's commented on Manne's column, noting that "[a]ll in all, it’s a brilliant spanking of the shareholder activists, which I highly commend to your attention. [read post]
19 Jan 2007, 2:55 pm
There has been some excellent blogging on the topic by Eric Chiappinelli, Gordon Smith, and   Steve Bainbridge. [read post]
2 Jan 2010, 8:00 am by Kenneth Anderson
Plus, as Steve Bainbridge commented on his blog, most of the intellectual action in law these days takes place in more specialized venues. [read post]
6 Oct 2007, 3:55 pm
Professor Stephen Bainbridge supplies a scholarly explanation of the Vick case, pointing out that the libertarian Edmund Burke would consider dog fighting way past his limit on government's proper role. [read post]
16 Nov 2017, 3:00 am by John Jenkins
Steve Bainbridge explains in this blog: Although CEO pay had been growing fast relative to other metrics during the 1980s, it was in the 1990s that CEO pay really started to explode as a percentage of corporate profits and total wages. [read post]
7 Aug 2008, 3:39 pm
  On the critical side, although Steve Bainbridge has been very active on this issue and makes some excellent points, I find his open letter to the AALS far too fervid. [read post]
26 Jul 2012, 2:55 pm by Bridget Crawford
Louis University Hollee Temple holleeinbalance West Virginia David Thomson dicthomson Denver Beth Thornburg btSMU SMU Jonathan Turley JonathanTurley George Washington Rebecca Tushnet rtushnet Georgetown Christopher Tyson chrisjtyson Louisiana State Barbara van Schewick vanschewick Stanford Steve Vladeck steve_vladeck American David Wagner david_m_wagner Regent Polk Wagner PolkWagner Penn Ari Ezra Waldman ariezrawaldman Cal Western Kimberlee Weatherall kim_weatherall… [read post]
7 Jul 2012, 10:16 am by Bridget Crawford
Louis University Hollee Temple holleeinbalance West Virginia David Thomson dicthomson Denver Beth Thornburg btSMU SMU Jonathan Turley JonathanTurley George Washington Rebecca Tushnet rtushnet Georgetown Christopher Tyson chrisjtyson Louisiana State Barbara van Schewick vanschewick Stanford Steve Vladeck steve_vladeck American David Wagner david_m_wagner Regent Polk Wagner PolkWagner Penn Ari Ezra Waldman ariezrawaldman Cal Western Kimberlee Weatherall kim_weatherall… [read post]
30 Jun 2011, 6:04 pm
Browning, November 20 2007 - The Nation's Leading Food-borne Illness Attorney Tells All Washington State Magazine, Hannelore Sudermann, August 2007 - Back to Court: Burst of E. coli Cases Returns Jack in the Box Litigator to the Scene Meat and Poultry News, Steve Bjerklie, June 8 2007 - Food Fight Portland Oregonian, Alex Pulaski, March 2007 - Mr. [read post]
31 May 2007, 11:57 pm
(More from Steve Bainbridge.) [read post]
12 Aug 2020, 2:58 am by Liz Dunshee
From 1976, when Steve Brill wrote an article (“Two Tough Lawyers in the Tender-Offer Game,” NY Mag., 1976) about Flom and myself being the two lawyers on opposite sides in tender offers, I was a known quantity, and people were calling who didn’t know me but just from reputation were seeking representation in takeover situations. [read post]
13 May 2014, 12:09 pm by joanheminway
 In this aspect, the book's account of U.S. corporate governance offers support, at least from a comparative perspective, for the descriptive accuracy of Steve Bainbridge's evolving director primacy theory. [read post]
13 Mar 2011, 6:33 am by Larry Ribstein
  Steve Bainbridge has written an article supporting this prohibition with some modifications. [read post]
9 Jun 2023, 3:30 am by Liz Dunshee
The Court of Appeals took a different view – one that tracks with the arguments from U Oregon Law Prof Mohsen Manesh and Stanford Law’s Joe Grundfest set forth in this amici brief and reiterated post-decision in this blog on UCLA Law Prof Steve Bainbridge’s site. [read post]