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26 Aug 2008, 3:56 pm
The world needs more folks like Tom Armstrong, who is willing to put beliefs ahead of prejudicies and biases to make society a better place to live. [read post]
15 Mar 2008, 5:36 pm
Plus, further digging from Tom Maguire. [read post]
31 Dec 2022, 4:09 pm
 Even after Dad left the professional ministry, they both remained involved in church, including  organizing a church library and playing piano. [read post]
12 Oct 2011, 6:52 am by Kali Borkoski
Please read Tom’s guide to participation for more information on how to get involved. [read post]
23 Apr 2008, 9:07 am
John's United Church of Christ, et al. v. [read post]
11 Aug 2016, 4:00 am by Cordell Parvin
He asked: Tom, (not his real name) is a lawyer with $5 million dollars of business annually. [read post]
2 Dec 2011, 2:00 pm by Kiera Flynn
  This edition of “Petitions to watch” features petitions raising issues that Tom has determined to have a reasonable chance of being granted, although we post them here without consideration of whether they present appropriate vehicles in which to decide those issues. ___________________________________________________________________________  The Bronx Household of Faith v. [read post]
“They can go to the athletic events with their children [and] drive to church or synagogue. [read post]
21 Dec 2017, 11:04 am by William K. Berenson
Tis the season when we get together with our families, go to church, and of course shop. [read post]
12 Nov 2007, 10:44 am
  Archbishop Sean O'Malley and other church officials emailed Caritas Christi Health Care employees last week noting that the $10 million a year subsidy can no longer come out of the coffers of the system or the archdiocese. [read post]
21 Dec 2017, 11:04 am by William K. Berenson
Tis the season when we get together with our families, go to church, and of course shop. [read post]
3 Dec 2007, 12:07 pm
Times are coming out to say it is just more of the same old Catholic intolerance and bigotry that is protesting against the depiction of the Church as a bunch of crazed Nazis. [read post]
14 Mar 2011, 8:12 pm by Christa Culver
  These are petitions raising issues that Tom has determined to have a reasonable chance of being granted, although we post them here without consideration of whether they present appropriate vehicles in which to decide those issues. [read post]
2 Dec 2009, 4:48 am by Jacqueline Dowd
He has cooked, mopped floors at church shelters and cleaned soiled bathrooms. [read post]
4 Mar 2011, 5:02 am by Ken Lammers
11) Tom expresses his undying luv for Justice Sonya Sotomayer. [read post]
20 Mar 2010, 7:00 am by charonqc
I asked Tom Harris MP, who is a Dr Who fan, about the tax status of the great Doctor. [read post]
23 May 2008, 4:00 am
Craig Williams More Partner Income, Tom Collins My Shingle, Carolyn Elefant Passion, People and Principles, David Maister Rainmaker Best Practices, Patrick McEvoy Real Lawyers Have Blogs, Kevin O'Keefe Rob Hyndman the [non]billable hour, Matt Homann The Adventure of Strategy, Rob Millard The Legal Marketing Blog, Tom Kane Traverse Legal, Enrico Schaefer, Attorney If you have more blogs to contribute, please let me know and I'll add… [read post]
26 Jul 2012, 5:25 am by Mike Scarcella
“Violence and vandalism have no place in the conversation,” Mayor Tom Tait said. [read post]
31 Jan 2012, 6:23 am by Nabiha Syed
EEOC – holding that ministers cannot sue their churches for violations of employment discrimination laws – may mean for lawsuits challenging a provision of the Affordable Care Act which requires church-run institutions to provide free contraceptives to students and employees. [read post]