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28 Oct 2012, 8:19 pm by Chris Neumeyer
If disclosure of the information may be restricted to just a few people, who will first sign confidentiality agreements, and otherwise it will be protected by strict security measures, trade secret protection may work. [read post]
15 Jun 2015, 4:20 am by Charlotte Bamford, Olswang LLP
It was also held that there was not sufficient evidence to demonstrate that the council had taken the steps (required by section 507B(9)) to ascertain the views of qualifying young people. [read post]
17 Sep 2015, 12:38 pm
 The trial court allowed introduction of evidence about her sexual history with other people; that could definitely be a problem. [read post]
19 Nov 2013, 8:47 am by James Eckert
  I have to wonder whether this last statement is in fact true, since unprosecuted complaints are sufficient to revoke a pistol permit already granted (Peters v Randall, 2013 WL 6038222  4th Dept Decided Nov 15, 2013). [read post]
3 Aug 2022, 12:54 pm
We affirm the trial court’s grant of summary judgment for defendant. [read post]
21 Jan 2020, 12:32 pm
  It's an AEDPA case, so the federal court grants a degree of deference to the state court's conclusions in this regard. [read post]
10 Feb 2014, 11:38 am
 To hold otherwise, the Court held, would expect far too much perfection from our legal system.By contrast, despite the fact that many people desperately try to get out of jury service, sometimes, you've got someone who's trying desperately to get on. [read post]
1 Nov 2023, 5:53 am by John Elwood
The court granted rehearing en banc, but later vacated the order as improvidently granted over the dissents of five judges. [read post]
16 Aug 2017, 1:01 pm by Matthew L.M. Fletcher
Mining for compromise in pastoral Greenland: Promise, progress, and problems in international law’s response to indigenous people. [read post]