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15 Jul 2010, 12:30 pm by Erin Miller
Opinions below (Federal Circuit): Denial of rehearing en banc, summary affirmance Petition for certiorari Amicus brief of Bar Associations Amicus brief of the American Bar Association Amicus brief of the International Municipal Lawyers Association Amicus brief of the Federal Judges Association The following petition was filed by Akin Gump and is noted without regard to the likelihood of its being granted: Title: National Football… [read post]
11 May 2019, 11:47 am by MOTP
While affirming summary judgment for the bank because its claim was not barred under the four-year SOL, the Court reaffirmed that a blanket contractual waiver of all statute-of-limitations defenses is against public policy in Texas and therefore unenforceable. [read post]
13 Jul 2011, 11:49 am by rbm3
DOHERTY Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, c2011 KF1530.F54 L67 2011 See Catalog Banks and banking, International ICC UNIFORM CUSTOMS AND PRACTICE FOR DOCUMENTARY CREDITS Paris: ICC Services Pub. ; New York, NY: ICC Books USA, c2006 K1060.8 .I54 2006 See Catalog Bar examinations -- United States. [read post]
28 Jul 2019, 6:24 pm by Peter Mahler
Rosania v Gluck As far as I know, the first case to raise that lurking question post-Raharney is Rosania v Gluck, 2019 NY Slip Op 32087(U) [Sup Ct NY County July 8, 2019], decided earlier this month by Manhattan Commercial Division Justice Saliann Scarpulla. [read post]
26 Feb 2015, 10:20 am by George Ticoras, Esq.
” The plaintiffs argue the law violates “equal protection, free speech, and free association protected by the Massachusetts and United States constitutions” and are seeking a permanent injunction preventing the OCPF from enforcing the law banning corporate contributions. [read post]
4 Sep 2015, 7:42 am by John McFarland
Premrose Amicus) for the Texas Land and Mineral Owners’ Association in Primrose Operating Co. v. [read post]
12 Mar 2012, 7:51 pm by Rick Hasen
  Here is the abstract: In this brief Article, forthcoming in the Federal Bar Association’s magazine, the Federal Lawyer, I aim to do three things. [read post]
19 Aug 2011, 7:30 am by Robin E. Shea
DEAR READERS: If you enjoy this blog, we'd be most grateful if you would nominate it for the 2011 Blawg 100 list of the American Bar Association. [read post]
24 Jan 2019, 12:08 am by INFORRM
Lady Justice Sharp proceeded to state, at [19] that, when the Court of Appeal comes to consider meaning: “The issue is not whether we would have come to the same or a different conclusion had we been trying the case at first instance. [read post]
12 Mar 2015, 7:40 pm
It was in that context that Carswell, J., stated: Therefore, section 211 of the Surrogate's Court Act is not applicable to or binding upon the United States. [read post]
2 Mar 2015, 6:48 pm
It was in that context that Carswell, J., stated: Therefore, section 211 of the Surrogate's Court Act is not applicable to or binding upon the United States. [read post]
2 Mar 2015, 2:30 am by The Public Employment Law Press
The letter instructed PE “not to report for any further shifts” and stated that his “termination would be effective as of September 23.... [read post]