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24 Mar 2009, 11:42 pm
Here's the table of contents (available as a .pdf file): Avant-propos (Andrea Bonomi / Eleanor Cashin Ritaine); Première partie: Panorama introductif et principes généraux Le Règlement Rome I: la communautarisation et la modernisation de la Convention de Rome (Michael Wilderspin); La nouvelle synergie Rome I / Rome II / Bruxelles I (Eva Lein); The New Rome I Regulation on the Law Applicable … [read post]
26 Aug 2010, 12:24 am by Giorgio Buono
Forum Fabrizio Marongiu Buonaiuti, Lis Alibi Pendens and Related Actions in Civil and Commercial Matters Within the European Judicial Area; Caroline Kleiner, Money in Private International Law: What Are the Problems? [read post]
21 Aug 2023, 5:48 am by Bob Kraft
Stephanie Caroline Snyder is a 27-year-old who graduated from The University of Florida in 2018. [read post]
8 Jul 2015, 12:58 pm by CJLF Staff
  Caroline May of Breitbart reports that when broken down categorically, illegal immigrants represented 16.8 percent of drug trafficking cases, 20 percent of kidnapping cases, 74.1 percent of drug possession cases, 12 percent of murder convictions and 91.6 percent of immigration violations. [read post]
This should be front and center in an interview -- and in a tweet, says Caroline Ceniza-Levine, partner at Six Figure Start. [read post]
4 Jan 2023, 8:57 am by Silver Law Group
SBF’s former girlfriend and former Alameda Research CEO Caroline Ellison has been spotted in New York City. [read post]
10 Nov 2009, 1:00 pm
Caroline and Steve Cartwright find themselves appealing a conviction for breach of a noise abatement order and according to the BBC a 4 year ASBO imposed as a result, that banned them from "shouting, screaming or vocalisation at such a level as to be a statutory nuisance" in, astonishingly, all of England. [read post]
26 Aug 2010, 8:04 am by Laurie Briggs
“These (Hillandale Farms and Wright County Egg) are high-risk facilities so you need the FDA checking on them regularly, at least once a year, to make sure they are complying with the regulations,” said Caroline Smith DeWaal, food safety director for the Center for Science in the Public Interest. [read post]
19 May 2008, 12:12 pm
  The most famous tragedy being Anna Caroline Reston who died at the age of 21 from multiple organ failure secondary to anorexia nervosa. [read post]
10 Dec 2021, 9:23 am by Gene Takagi
It did — by nearly $500,000 (Lauren Hepler, SF Chronicle) Black families pay significantly higher property taxes than white families, new analysis shows (Andrew Van Dam, Washington Post) Structuring Leadership: Alternative Models for Distributing Power and Decision-Making in Nonprofit Organizations (Caroline McAndrews, Frances Kunreuther, Shifra Bronznick, Buiding Movement Project) As a Black Man in America, I Feel Death Looming Every Day (Joél Leon Daniels, NY Times) … [read post]
16 Sep 2010, 12:37 pm by Laurie Lin
But starting with today’s installment, you’ll also be able to check out the honorable mentions (and others) at the end of each post.Also, congratulations to Elena Lalli and Guillermo Coronado, who edged out Caroline Lopez and Nicholas Miranda in our last reader poll for Couple of the Week.This week’s featured couples are:1. [read post]
22 May 2009, 10:48 am
A few weeks ago, I read a blog post from a Canada-US designer, Caroline Di Deigo, who traveled to China to, among other things, see the houses at The Commune at the Great Wall. [read post]
1 May 2012, 3:17 pm
What do German music producer Dieter Bohlen (right, the German equivalent to Simon Cowell) and Prince Ernst August of Hanover (also known as husband of Princess Caroline of Monaco) in common? [read post]
14 Sep 2021, 8:46 am by Neil Schoenherr
He will succeed Nancy Staudt, dean of the School of Law and the Howard & Caroline Cayne Distinguished Professor of Law, who has accepted a position as the Frank and Marcia Carlucci Dean of the Pardee RAND Graduate School and vice president for innovation at RAND, a California-based research and public policy organization. [read post]
4 Jan 2019, 5:54 am
Podolsky, Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz, on Wednesday, January 2, 2019 Tags: Boards of Directors, Disclosure, Engagement, ESG, Institutional Investors, Securities regulation, Shareholder activism, Short sales, Short-termism Matters to Consider for the 2019 Annual Meeting and Reporting Season Posted by Brian Breheny, Caroline Kim and Joseph Yaffe, Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP, on Thursday, January 3, 2019 … [read post]
1 Jul 2011, 5:18 pm
In response to a query today about the reason for removing the company's name, ECDC spokeswoman Caroline Daamen told CIDRAP News by e-mail, "In the initial risk assessment posted on the website, EFSA and ECDC reported information that had been made available to support the ongoing outbreak investigation. [read post]
26 Oct 2012, 12:45 pm by Michael C. Smith
 Interactive discussion between attendees and Eastern District of Texas judges on hot topics ranging from infringement and invalidity contentions to MDLs, discovery & damages with moderator Johnny Ward and panelists: Chief Judge Leonard Davis, Judge Ron Clark, Judge Rodney Gilstrap, Judge Michael Schneider, Judge Caroline Craven, Judge Keith Giblin, Judge John Love & Judge Amos Mazzant. [read post]
2 Apr 2012, 3:00 am
Caroline Bettinger-López (pictured second from right), University of Miami Law School and IntLawGrrls contributor;? [read post]