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11 Apr 2013, 1:37 pm by ADaigle
This Bill requires the above statement to be recorded either upon formation for new districts or no later than December 31, 2014 for existing districts. [read post]
6 May 2023, 11:00 pm
”With this crossover, physical jewelry items will be linked to non-fungible tokens (NFTs) that will exist within the BAYC-affiliated “Otherside” Metaverse. [read post]
10 Dec 2015, 8:47 am by Gritsforbreakfast
(The linked video contains NSFW language.)San Antonio already faces enough problems on the police shootings front, keeping this guy on the force seems like they're just asking for karma to come smack them later. [read post]
17 Aug 2023, 5:03 am
Anyone wishing to review a copy of this decision may click this LINK. [read post]
8 Jun 2016, 9:58 am
Meanwhile, Lady Cloncurry, having been portrayed as ‘an artless and weak girl of nineteen’, left the country, her reputation in tatters, and later gave birth to a son presumed to be Piers’. [read post]
2 Nov 2024, 4:21 am
” he said, according to the records, later adding, “That doesn’t mean he’s the winner, he’s just going to say he’s the winner. [read post]
22 Dec 2013, 4:22 pm by Jon Gelman
A similar decision in 2006 in Rhode Island was later overturned by that state’s Supreme Court. [read post]
21 Dec 2020, 3:00 am by Populus Radio, Robert Ambrogi
In 2001, they sold FindLaw to the West Group, and two years later, they founded Justia, repeating their earlier success and then some with what is now one of the most popular legal sites in the world. [read post]
23 Aug 2017, 12:09 pm
Comparing these three points to narrative, one could say that they provide lessons about character, structure, and surprise endings.Download the article from SSRN at the link. [read post]
14 Sep 2016, 4:27 am by Eleonora Rosati
You can find further details and register here.The second event will be streamed on YouTube on 6 October 2016: participants can decide to follow it live or watch it at any later time of their choice. [read post]
17 Jul 2017, 6:30 am by Mitra Sharafi
Such a model, in which non-legal means were used to foster compliance, appeared in the tax system created by the Jewish community in 1940s Palestine and was later adopted by the new Israeli state in the 1950s. [read post]
13 May 2014, 8:13 am
Bach was a modern in his entrepreneurial spirit; to the extent that he finally did manage to take advantage of contract — a later period that coincided with a decline in his liturgical output — that was not due to a supposed “freedom of contract” in any sense of empowerment or even bargaining, but to contract’s relative incomprehensiveness and fracturing of social and professional roles.Download the article from SSRN at the link. [read post]