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17 Feb 2023, 3:37 am
I guarantee you'll learn something.You can watch the entire webinar here.Here's what I read this past week that you should read, too.ChatGPT Is Scarily Good at Answering Legal Questions — via Above the Law ChatGPT is coming for the workplace — via Employment & Labor Insider Workers at Widmer Brothers Brewing join Teamster union, cite pay, safety, scheduling and health care — via Craft Brewing Business Tesla Just Terminated Dozens in… [read post]
30 May 2024, 4:10 am
Christine Ladd submitted an online application for a Front Load Driver position at Waste Industries. [read post]
19 Feb 2014, 3:26 pm
We the People: The Civil Rights Revolution is coming out next week, and the Yale Law Journal will be celebrating its publication with a two-day Symposium on The Meaning of the Civil Rights Revolution.Here's the line-up:Friday, February 28:1:10-1:30: Introduction by Dean Robert Post1:30 – 3:50 Constitutional Change and the Role of Courts (chaired by Jack Balkin)Randy Barnett, We the People: Each and Every OneJustin Driver, Reactionary Rhetoric, Judicial… [read post]
5 Jul 2013, 8:11 am
Inside it was a copy of a book published by Infinite Ideas back in 2009 and entitled The Lives, Loves and Deaths of Splendidly Unreasonable Inventors, by Jeremy Coller (as in Coller IP) with Christine Chamberlain. [read post]
30 Apr 2015, 5:30 am
The Labor Commissioner’s office targets its enforcement efforts on employers who intentionally skirt the law,” said Christine Baker, director of the Department of Industrial Relations (DIR), which oversees the Labor Commissioner’s Office. [read post]
17 Mar 2023, 6:00 am
OATH Administrative Law Judge Christine Stecura recommended dismissing charges against a paramedic charged with stealing money from a patient. [read post]
24 Oct 2022, 9:00 am
Imperial, Commissioner, NYS Division of Human Rights;Lisa Khandhar, Attorney, US Department of Education Office for Civil Rights; Christine S. [read post]
20 May 2014, 10:41 am
Austin attorney Christine P. [read post]
11 Nov 2013, 5:30 am
Morton was convicted of beating to death his wife, Christine, and sentenced to life in prison. [read post]
11 Mar 2014, 6:39 am
CLIA's Christine Duffy began the cheerleading by first announcing that the Carnival Triumph fire was "rare." [read post]
10 Oct 2019, 8:00 am
Christine Kexel Chabot, Loyola University Chicago School of Law, has posted Is the Federal Reserve Constitutional? [read post]
15 Jul 2019, 7:45 am
XII, No. 1 (2019)).Jacob Bronsther, Torture and Respect, (109 Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology 423 (2019)).Grant Frazier, Defusing a Ticking Time Bomb: The Complicated Considerations Underlying Compulsory Human Gene Editing, (Hastings Science & Technology Law Journal, Forthcoming).Caleb Acker, Millstones and Ministry: Generational Transmission As the Unifying Factor in Ministerial Exception Jurisprudence for Teachers Post-Hosanna-Tabor, (July 9, 2019).Marie-Amelie George, Framing Trans… [read post]
15 Oct 2022, 5:55 am
Christine Drazan would also be a terrible governor, for different reasons. [read post]
11 Feb 2013, 4:32 am
Nothing either from CLIA's CEO Christine Duffy. [read post]
16 Mar 2024, 8:20 am
I'm reading "Without Senators in Sight, Christine Blasey Ford Retells Her Story/Her lucid memoir, 'One Way Back,' describes life before, during and after she testified that Brett Kavanaugh had sexually assaulted her in high school" (NYT). [read post]
11 Jun 2021, 10:30 pm
Pollak, and Government, Money, and the Law, by Nick Mayhew, the latter, a review essay of Christine Desan’s Making Money: Coin, Currency, and the Coming of Capitalism. [read post]
3 Oct 2014, 5:30 am
“These citations serve as a reminder that underground employers who commit wage theft and intentionally put their workers at risk will not be tolerated,” said Christine Baker, director of the Department of Industrial Relations (DIR), which administers LETF, and oversees both Cal/OSHA and the California Labor Commissioner’s offices. [read post]
30 May 2018, 4:16 pm
" Here's a guide to some agent lingo).More about the show's March 28 finale in this Vox article and about the show generally in this Variety article.A (very) selected bibliography on the spy and popular culture here.Thomas Andrae, Television's First Feminist: "The Avengers" and Female Spectatorship, 18 Discourse 112-136 (Spring 1996).Lisa Marie Bidlingmeyer, How the TV Image Destabilizes Identity in TV Spy Series (Thesis, MIT, 2007).Wesley… [read post]
18 Apr 2013, 12:49 pm
This post was written by Paul Bond and Christine E. [read post]
19 Jul 2013, 11:48 pm
I attended the hearing where Senator Rockefeller asked appropriately tough questions to the CEO of the cruise industry's trade organization, Christine Duffy. [read post]