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6 Sep 2020, 7:03 am by Eric Goldman
Heldman * Another 512(f) Claim Fails–Ningbo Mizhihe v Doe * Video Excerpts Qualify as Fair Use (and Another 512(f) Claim Fails)–Hughes v. [read post]
25 Jul 2022, 4:57 am by Andrew Lavoott Bluestone
New York does not recognize independent causes of action for punitive damages (see Gershman v Ahmad, 156 AD3d 868, 868) or civil conspiracy (see Palmieri v Perry, Van Etten, Rozanski & Primavera, LLP, 200 AD3d 785, 788), and the plaintiff does not identify an actionable, underlying tort that might otherwise warrant recovery under these causes of action or his aiding and abetting cause of action. [read post]
16 Nov 2015, 2:20 pm
 But it does let everyone know -- if they didn't already -- that Donald's Alzheimer’s disease (which was confirmed through a PET scan) was fairly serious.As for Donald's attorneys, well, they don't come out smelling awesome either. [read post]
14 Apr 2010, 3:11 am by Eric S. Solotoff
So just because you think your case is settled does not mean it is really settled. [read post]
12 Jun 2018, 8:26 am by MBettman
Prior to any questioning, the person must be warned that he has a right to remain silent, that any statement he does make may be used as evidence against him, and that he has a right to the presence of an attorney, either retained or appointed. [read post]
16 Feb 2022, 7:01 am by Eric Goldman
FTC * New Jersey Attorney Ethics Opinion Blesses Competitive Keyword Advertising (…or Does It?) [read post]
30 Jan 2021, 9:50 am by Eric Goldman
FTC * New Jersey Attorney Ethics Opinion Blesses Competitive Keyword Advertising (…or Does It?) [read post]
23 Jul 2012, 1:29 pm by WIMS
The Appeals Court summarizes saying, "In our earlier decision in this case, New Jersey v. [read post]