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8 Oct 2008, 1:57 pm
MICHAEL YON ON AFGHANISTAN: "It has become clear to me that we're losing this war. [read post]
30 May 2008, 7:50 pm
"If you're a red-blooded American male, what's not to like in a movie about four good looking women running around New York City indulging their libidos? [read post]
4 Jan 2007, 7:59 am
DEAN BARNETT: "If youâ € ™re looking for a blogger to feel some pity for Saddam Hussein because his executioners were primitive and rude, youâ € ™ve come to the wrong place. [read post]
23 Feb 2011, 4:59 am by Glenn Reynolds
“It’s not that the union position never coincides with the interests of Medicaid beneficiaries–of course they want there to be more beneficiaries, so they’re going to fight to the death against a decline in enrollment. [read post]
25 Mar 2008, 5:08 pm
I've mentioned before that we're overdue for backlash on some of the stuff that lawyers send out to nonlawyers. [read post]
5 Jun 2008, 7:20 pm
BUSH WERE RE-ELECTED, it would mean the end of privacy. [read post]
16 Nov 2007, 2:34 pm
THE NEW YORK TIMES REPORTS ON FEMALE CONDOMS, but Michael Petrelis says something's been left out: "Whether you're a woman or a man who engages in sodomy, the pouch can also stop diseases from spreading through the back door. [read post]
22 Aug 2007, 7:28 pm
Unless you're, you know, happy to get your news from Scott Beauchamp. [read post]
25 Mar 2007, 12:44 pm
DEAN BARNETT: "Iâ € ™ve reached some conclusions about comment boards and the effect theyâ € ™re having on our politics at large. [read post]
2 Aug 2011, 5:33 am by Glenn Reynolds
When you’re using your Visa to pay off your MasterCard, getting the credit limit raised on both doesn’t actually improve your position. [read post]
6 Jun 2011, 3:53 pm by Glenn Reynolds
This article, by my former research assistant Morgan Manning, is very much worth your time if you’re interested in this topic. [read post]
20 Oct 2008, 3:55 am
Tennessee has avoided a hiring freeze this year -- we're hiring two -- but many other law schools haven't. [read post]
14 Jun 2008, 9:02 pm
I guess they're OK when they suit their needs, even rhetorically. [read post]
6 May 2011, 11:49 am by Ed Driscoll
(And just to echo Michael, thanks Glenn for allowing us to sit-in while you’re on vacation.) [read post]
20 May 2008, 1:40 pm
BUSH WERE RE-ELECTED, people would be prosecuted for daring to question organized religion. [read post]
29 Sep 2008, 1:04 pm
I HOPE THEY NEVER LEARN THE DIFFERENCE FIRSTHAND: There's The Optimistic American Spirit: 33% Think We're Already in a Depression. [read post]
20 Jan 2008, 2:55 pm
So don't give your local bookstore a hard time if they're sold out now. . . . [read post]