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9 Dec 2019, 8:39 am by Christine Corcos
Scholarship and pedagogy, including work addressing injustices in legal-academic institutions and practices, that is “[c]arefully theorized and situated, insisting on engaging politics and law, [and that] charts ways for law and its subjects to use power, do justice. [read post]
9 Dec 2019, 8:39 am
Scholarship and pedagogy, including work addressing injustices in legal-academic institutions and practices, that is “[c]arefully theorized and situated, insisting on engaging politics and law, [and that] charts ways for law and its subjects to use power, do justice. [read post]
14 Jan 2020, 11:24 am
The Selection Committee includes Linda Berger, Corinne Blalock, David Caudill, Amy Dillard, Bruce Hay, Ian Gallacher, Melissa Marlow, Jeremy Mullem, Nancy Modesitt, Stephen Paskey, Yvette Russell, Anne Ralph, and Terry Pollman. [read post]
14 Jan 2020, 11:24 am by Christine Corcos
The Selection Committee includes Linda Berger, Corinne Blalock, David Caudill, Amy Dillard, Bruce Hay, Ian Gallacher, Melissa Marlow, Jeremy Mullem, Nancy Modesitt, Stephen Paskey, Yvette Russell, Anne Ralph, and Terry Pollman. [read post]
25 Sep 2017, 4:00 am by Howard Friedman
Heyman, The Light of Nature: John Locke, Natural Rights, and the Origins of American Religious Liberty, (Marquette Law Review, Forthcoming).Terri Lynn Helge, Rejecting Charity: Why the IRS Denies Tax Exemption to 501(C)(3) Applicants, (Pittsburgh Tax Review, Vol. 14, No. 1, 2016).From SSRN (Non-U.S. [read post]
4 Oct 2022, 12:00 am by Nicole M. Downing
LEGAL RESEARCH Examples & Explanations for Legal Research by Terri Pollman, Jeanne Frazier Price, and Lina L. [read post]
10 May 2012, 5:00 am
A reasonable person would not have felt free to leave, and this was a Terry stop without justification. [read post]
12 Sep 2013, 5:25 pm by Cyrus Farivar
"[Snowden] gave these documents, ultimately, to only three journalists,” Gellman told Terry Gross on National Public Radio. [read post]
21 Apr 2008, 4:42 am
.* Merely being a passenger in a stolen car does not justify a Terry frisk. [read post]
8 May 2012, 3:00 am by kevin-vonkamecke
Code §9-30-5-2(b ), the evidence was sufficient to convict defendant of driving while intoxicated as a Class C misdemeanor under Ind. [read post]
23 Aug 2011, 2:00 am by Kara OBrien
Paragraph (c) of the Rule, however, states that the Rule does not apply to redeemable securities issued by open-end investment companies. [read post]
2 May 2012, 4:04 am
Roach argues, however, that any authority to frisk him under Terry vanished as soon as Officer Kruger's patdown uncovered no weapon. [read post]