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1 Mar 2021, 1:45 pm
In September 2020, the California legislature passed A.B. 685, which imposes stricter COVID-19 reporting standards for employers than the current federal government guidelines (including the requirement that employers notify potentially infected workers within one business day of their potential workplace exposure). [read post]
12 Oct 2015, 9:01 pm
It’s the federal equal pay law: Same employer means equal pay for men and women. [read post]
5 Dec 2014, 7:27 am
Employer data systems are a goldmine for would-be hackers. [read post]
23 Feb 2009, 9:40 pm
While it's not exactly clear who is a "non-Federal employer" who received "covered funds", it's likely that given the intent of the act, that this law will apply to any employer who gets a grant, contract or another payment associated with the stimulus bill. [read post]
4 Dec 2020, 3:37 pm
The law requires that starting March 31, 2021 every California employer with 100 or more employees who files a federal EEO-1 report must annually submit a pay data report to the DFEH. [read post]
25 Feb 2016, 4:49 pm
– Minneapolis attorney Jason Shinn of Shinn Legal on his Michigan Employment Law Advisor Tribes Receive $940 Million in Federal Contracts Settlement – Foster Pepper’s Greg Guedel writing from Seattle on their Native American Legal Update How Would a Noncompete Hold in the Star Wars Universe? [read post]
1 Feb 2023, 12:22 pm
Federal enforcement of financial fraud takes many forms. [read post]
12 Jan 2008, 10:36 am
The suit alleges that the newly created voting places inside hotels violates the "one person, one vote rule" and equal protection of the law under the 14th Amendment by creating at-large precincts based solely on employment. [read post]
8 Jan 2013, 6:51 am
Federal law requires all U.S. government contractors and subcontractors to secure workers' compensation insurance for their employees working overseas. [read post]
22 Jul 2013, 1:37 am
Now the federal government is attempting to reduce that number by restricting distractions while ... [read post]
14 Jun 2013, 4:28 am
Wal-Mart To Block Class Certification and Extends It To Bar Hiring Discrimination Class Claims — from Employer Law Report Why Dads Don't Take Paternity Leave — from the Wall Street JournalLabor Relations Non Union Employers Beware: OSHA Has Just Become A Union Organizer — from The Labor and Employment Law Blog Does firing a law firm associate for discussing wages violate federal labor law? [read post]
10 Oct 2009, 3:54 pm
The Electronic Commerce & Law Report article, "Brekka Case Shows Need for Comprehensive Strategy to Shield Data from Insider Misuse," discussed how the Ninth Circuit recently joined a trend disfavoring Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA) claims brought by companies against disloyal employees. [read post]
5 Dec 2017, 10:45 am
Inside Self-Storage World Expo Wage and Hour Mistakes in Self-Storage: Minimizing Employer Liability Thursday, April 5 from 10:00 to 10:50 AM Labor laws concerning wages are changing rapidly. [read post]
7 Mar 2019, 2:00 am
“I expect that it will be very difficult for employers to provide the data because they were going to have 15 months to get ready prior to the Trump administration’s suspension of the pay report, and now they are going to have less than 90 days to prepare,” adds Beecher, coeditor of Federal Employment Law Insider. [read post]
18 Nov 2019, 4:00 am
Employment & Human Rights Law in Canada 5. [read post]
23 Jun 2014, 6:34 am
In fact, there are at least 40 federal anti-retaliation laws, and this does not even include all the various state statutory and common laws that prohibit an employer from taking adverse action against an employee for complaining about all sorts of various conduct. [read post]
22 Jan 2025, 1:56 pm
The untenability of Justice Clarence Thomas's Indian law jurisprudence: Confronting the Indian Commerce Clause to address the problem of historical change in federal Indian law. [read post]
15 Mar 2024, 3:42 am
— via Employment & Labor Insider Major US Corporations Threaten to Return Labor to 'Law of the Jungle' — via Portside Have Employers Given Up on Bringing People Back to the Office? [read post]
27 Oct 2008, 7:57 am
What Washington Labor, Employment & Employee Benefits Law Blog writes in the post, Trade Secrets in the NFL? [read post]
22 Oct 2014, 10:07 am
If the concerns about Chinese snooping are legitimate (and not just classic inside-the-Beltway scare tactics), perhaps we just need more enforcement of existing laws rather than a new law. [read post]