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5 Oct 2011, 4:53 pm by John Elwood
  And it is hard to ferret out information on in forma pauperis cases quickly, but Pacheco-Garcia v. [read post]
2 Nov 2011, 10:17 am by Lyle Denniston
To be sure, the Court very likely will decide this case, Perry v. [read post]
6 Aug 2024, 10:05 am by Sadie Mayhew
  In a statement she released in conjunction with the program launch, Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco stressed the long history of whistleblowers helping the government uncover fraud and misconduct, and the “indispensable” role they have played more recently under the government’s other whistleblower rewards programs:   “With this program we’re doubling down on a proven strategy to ferret out criminal activity that might otherwise go unreported. [read post]
5 Apr 2012, 8:46 am by Gritsforbreakfast
But constitutional regulation of databases aimed at ferreting out intentional harms will be very thin indeed; it is far easier to do harm, and far greater harm can be done, through mere benign neglect of database systems than through intentional manipulation.The split among the Justices in Herring starkly illustrate this distinction. [read post]
13 Dec 2023, 5:00 am by Barbara Pfeffer Billauer
These precedents were implemented to ferret out junk science[5] from the courts by helping judges navigate emerging issues in scientific/medical practice. [read post]
14 Mar 2018, 12:46 am by Kevin LaCroix
On January 12, 2018, the Supreme Court decided to take up one of these cases, Lucia v. [read post]