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29 Jun 2014, 5:23 pm
”, there was a post on the Sufficient Description patent blog and one on Copyright Enforcement. [read post]
8 May 2024, 5:51 pm
” Since 2011, I have written an astonishing 49 stories on my blog tracking Fastcase’s various upgrades, acquisitions and alliances. [read post]
18 Jul 2014, 11:55 am
App. 2008), decision just turned six – this blog is older than that.According to our innovator liability scorecard, there are now more than 100 decisions rejecting innovator liability/Contetheories – quite a few more, if you count all the different opinions in litigation where the invalidity of innovator liability has been affirmed on appeal.Our last post on the subject was just last Friday, to break the news of Huck v. [read post]