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30 Dec 2023, 8:28 am by Richmond Cariaga
Supreme Court reinforced this protection in the landmark 2020 decision in Bostock v. [read post]
28 Dec 2023, 9:05 pm by Noah Brown
Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs v. [read post]
26 Dec 2023, 9:02 pm by Marci A. Hamilton
United States and then again in the 1990 decision, Employment Div. v. [read post]
24 Dec 2023, 9:05 pm by The Regulatory Review
Regulatory Discretion Fosters Clean Tech September 18, 2023 | Shon Hiatt, USC Marshall School of Business, and Jake B. [read post]
21 Dec 2023, 4:00 am by Administrator
They may live in foster homes or even with friends or neighbours. [read post]
10 Dec 2023, 4:59 am by Frank Cranmer
Neil Foster, Law and Religion Australia: Voluntary assisted dying laws partly invalid. [read post]
8 Dec 2023, 1:42 am by centerforartlaw
Another significant legal battle involving murals and VARA unfolded in the case of Kerson v. [read post]
The HKEX stated that issuers’ boards that are only composed by members of one gender will be in contravention of its Listing Rules. [read post]
5 Dec 2023, 8:37 am by Erica Canas
And, as with other useful arts, the United States, and most other countries, recognize the importance of protecting the intellectual property rights of the designers, inventors, artisans and engineers responsible for creating furniture designs. [read post]
27 Nov 2023, 2:15 am by INFORRM
The council’s goal is to “foster a more consistent global dialogue about where surveillance and government access could pose a risk of harm. [read post]
26 Nov 2023, 4:55 am by Frank Cranmer
” The CJEU and religious dress at work On 29 November, the CJEU will hand down judgment in the latest case on religious dress at work: OP v Commune d’Ans Case C‑148/22, which is a request for a preliminary ruling from the Tribunal du Travail de Liège. [read post]
24 Nov 2023, 1:35 am by Annsley Merelle Ward
  Patent litigation strategists are not just plotting out their timelines of national proceedings v EPO, but also the UPC. [read post]