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3 Oct 2010, 5:30 pm by Tom Goldstein
  The Administration was entirely invested – and “entirely” is not an overstatement – in a sixty-vote health care strategy, which failed the minute Scott Brown won in Massachusetts. [read post] By Bob Denney For more than two decades now, Bob Denney has shared his firm’s savvy observations of the most important business trends in the practice of law—not only in the United States but also in other parts of the world—via his “What’s Hot and What’s Not in the Legal Profession” reports. [read post]
25 Aug 2021, 4:30 am by Michael C. Dorf
None of these pleadings had a serious chance of success, but their goal was not to win in court but to increase the conviction of the base that the election had been stolen. [read post]
18 Nov 2021, 11:30 am by Mark Graber
  Many Asian-American immigrants on the West Coast became successful merchants. [read post]
17 Jun 2021, 6:30 am by JB
The most celebrated argument for why Brown v. [read post]
23 May 2022, 9:41 pm by David Super
       Ohio Senators Sherrod Brown (D) and Rob Portman (R) are seekingto raise the amount of savings that the low-income elderly and people with disabilities may have without being denied Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits. [read post]
23 Jul 2019, 8:44 am by Sandy Levinson
., the shouting match between Chief Justice Roberts and Justice Breyer about Brown in Parents Involved (where I believe Breyer was clearly correct, for what that’s worth). [read post]
5 Jun 2014, 12:14 pm
As one of our other bloggers have recently revealed, Bexis recently went on vacation for two weeks. [read post]
16 Sep 2021, 12:16 pm by Neil H. Buchanan
  And this means not only the most elderly senators like Bernie Sanders and Patrick Leahy of Vermont, but also people like Sherrod Brown in Ohio. [read post]
27 Aug 2014, 5:21 pm by Susan Schneider
., Business Administration & Finance/Accounting, University of North Carolina at CharlotteProfessional experience includes: Legal Intern, Law Office of Marjorie J Brown, PC; Legal Intern, SERC Reliability Corporation; Teaching Assistant for Lawyering Process; Summer Intern, Oracle Law, LLC;  Post-closing Legal Intern, Costner Law; Summer Intern, Love Sloan Law; Recovery Specialist and Customer Accounts Representative, American Honda FinanceElizabeth Ruiz  (Anchorage,… [read post]
17 Oct 2014, 6:30 am by Guest Blogger
Ruth to figure out that this is not a recipe for a successful partnership.To illustrate: The story of HIV/AIDS prevention in this country is a morality tale. [read post]
13 Dec 2022, 4:00 am by Michael C. Dorf
After meeting with Nixon, the partner supervising your work asks for a memorandum evaluating the likelihood of success if Nixon sues the District Attorney in federal district court seeking injunctive and/or declaratory relief enabling her to attend services at the Friends Meeting House in Hughes City while carrying her licensed handgun in her purse. [read post]
3 Aug 2022, 6:30 am by Guest Blogger
And the English Civil War, with its religious struggle—not nearing in ferocity the religious wars on the Continent but ending in the same year as publication of Hobbes’s Leviathan—would not have been far from their minds.And so, as Sandy asks, how much homogeneity was in fact needed for there to be a successful Union? [read post]
4 Oct 2022, 3:00 am by Neil H. Buchanan
The short answer, of course, is that thought-free populism has a track record of success. [read post]
21 Apr 2014, 11:46 am by Lindsay Griffiths
Then, people are doing your branding for you (that's what branding is all about, Charlie Brown, telling your story!). [read post]
5 Mar 2014, 2:46 pm
  The drafter of PLAC’s brief in that case (Mayer Brown’s Ken Geller) sits with Bexis on PLAC's nationwide case selection committee, and outranks Bexis in seniority). [read post]
26 May 2016, 7:22 am by Gritsforbreakfast
"Obviously, dangerous people need to stay locked up," state District Judge Susan Brown said at a news conference. [read post]
23 Sep 2020, 6:30 am by Mark Graber
"  Steven Skowronek describes a cyclical phenomenon when he observes that the United States experiences reconstructive, affiliated, and disjunctive presidents in regular succession. [read post]