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13 Jan 2008, 1:23 pm
Legislatures in the United States and abroad have passed increasingly restrictive and intrusive laws in order to protect the public from convicted sexual offenders. [read post]
27 Sep 2009, 6:00 pm
In 2005, Washington state investigated an outbreak of E. coli O157:H7 linked to a cow-share, and found the outbreak strain in raw milk and environmental samples at the dairy (CDC 2007). [read post]
24 Aug 2009, 7:01 am
(Tangible IP) Global IP law: Two recent publications ‘Global Challenge of Intellectual Property Rights’ by R Bird and S C Jain and ‘Global Intellectual Property Law’ by G Dutfield and U Suthersanen (IPKat)   Global - Trade Marks / Brands What price brands on the balance sheet? [read post]
9 Aug 2006, 8:22 am
Las prestaciones del Régimen Previsional Público tendrán la movilidad que anualmente determine la Ley de presupuesto conforme al cálculo de recursos respectivo.Art. 7 º, inc. 2. [read post]
23 Apr 2007, 1:54 am
A6897 Bradley (MS) -- Provides that an elected official shall forfeit his or her retirement rights and benefits if he or she is convicted of or pleads to certain crimes No Same as BLURB : R & SS. forfeit retirement benefi First Act: 03/22/07 referred to environmental conservation Last Act: 03/22/07 referred to environmental conservation Last Action Date: 04/16/07(Results Count = 7) Bill No. [read post]
22 May 2009, 5:08 am
’s Messenger program infringed asserted claims and infringement was wilful: Creative Internet Advertising v Yahoo! [read post]
10 Jun 2024, 12:00 pm by Jack Garvey
§ 75-l- 201(6)(a)(ii) implicates Plaintiffs’ right to dignity under Article II, Sec. 4 of the Montana Constitution. [read post]
30 Apr 2012, 3:00 am by Peter A. Mahler
The defendants' counsel submitted a letter citing a Delaware Chancery Court decision, R&R Capital, LLC v. [read post]
5 Oct 2017, 3:33 pm by Daphne Keller
A person signing a DMCA notice must state a good faith belief that the use is not authorized, declare her authority to act under penalty of perjury, and risk damages for misrepresentation under section 512(f).[3] That source of protection has not technically disappeared, but its value is largely lost when notices are generated not by a person, but by a machine. [read post]
28 Sep 2015, 6:00 am by David Kris
Wiretap Act (also known as Title III) prohibits the interception of a live communication (e.g., a telephone call) only if the interception occurs in the United States; it does not prohibit or regulate wiretaps (interception) conducted abroad.[8]  Similarly, the U.S. [read post]