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3 Feb 2010, 7:03 am by admin
    And it’s named after an inspiring figure:   Raymond V. [read post]
26 Apr 2010, 8:06 am by David Lat
Blackmun and Antonin Scalia did in their dueling separate opinions in a 1992 abortion case, Planned Parenthood v. [read post]
26 Dec 2011, 8:20 am by Gritsforbreakfast
And who knows what other crimes were committed by the real killer while Morton was locked up? [read post]
25 Jul 2022, 9:01 pm by Sherry F. Colb
These “pro-life” figures would, if they could, punish doctors in free states for helping women from reproductive servitude states to relieve their bodies of occupation by an unwanted biological process. [read post]
12 Jan 2009, 12:14 am
  Factor that into the decision and see how comfortable you are with advising a defendant to take a plea.Update:  As raised by our Hinterlands correspondent, Kathleen, and showing a fortuitous symmetry, two of today's posts meld perfectly as shown in the Vermont Supreme Court's decision in State v. [read post]
23 Jul 2007, 10:28 pm
Unilateral Refusals to License Patents The report begins with an analysis of unilateral refusals to license patents, focusing on two conflicting appellate decisions, Image Technical Services, Inc. v. [read post]
10 May 2012, 7:58 am by McNabb Associates, P.C.
Among the papers was the document filed in the recorder's office - a repository mainly for land transactions - in which Cox captioned his case, "State of Alaska, a fiction, plaintiff, v Schaeffer Cox, a natural Man, victim and witness, waiving no rights, EVER. [read post]
31 Aug 2022, 7:39 pm by Josh Blackman
(Sounds a lot like the rule at issue in New York State Rifle Pistol Association v. [read post]
27 Mar 2024, 3:33 am by SHG
In Cedar Point Nursery v. [read post]
10 May 2012, 7:58 am by McNabb Associates, P.C.
Among the papers was the document filed in the recorder's office - a repository mainly for land transactions - in which Cox captioned his case, "State of Alaska, a fiction, plaintiff, v Schaeffer Cox, a natural Man, victim and witness, waiving no rights, EVER. [read post]
1 Dec 2022, 3:46 am by SHG
The Supreme Court ruled in the landmark 1975 case O’Connor v. [read post]
18 Jul 2019, 3:06 pm by Cory Doctorow
Software patenting went into high gear around 1994 and consistently gained speed until 2014, when Alice v. [read post]