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18 Dec 2016, 8:24 am by Smita Ghosh
The Last Throes of the British Pro-Nazi Right, 1940-45), Bill V. [read post]
29 Jan 2016, 4:38 am by Jon Hyman
 — via The Emplawyerologist Are smarter people actually less racist? [read post]
9 Jan 2018, 7:46 am by David Post
" The argument that the CTEA was unconstitutional for this very reason was ultimately rejected by the Supreme Court (in Eldred v. [read post]
12 Dec 2017, 7:14 am by Gritsforbreakfast
"Under the pilot program, three people would be dispatched to each mental health call: a paramedic, an officer and a behavioral health professional. [read post]
6 May 2022, 10:11 am
 Moreover, we have known for many years that the police have been heavily -- and intentionally --  infiltrated by white supremacists. [read post]
2 Oct 2015, 12:33 pm by Adam Gillette
The simple fact is that most people will obey the law and some, at least, will be converted by it.Here's one from Police Department of the City of Chicago v. [read post]
15 Jan 2017, 8:38 pm by Sandy Levinson
 I am not at all immune from that, given my own views of the sociopath and the truly deplorable people who constitute a significant part of his base and, more to the point, those he is bringing into the White House itself, beginning with Steve Bannon.) [read post]
17 Oct 2013, 12:42 pm
 However, the parties will have to await the decision in the Actavis v Sanofi reference before they can see what the future of their case looks like. [read post]
25 May 2013, 10:16 am by Rick Hills
My example of a point in the black circle of "preemption" is Judge Silberman's use of Machinist preemption to eliminate President Clinton's executive order on replacement of striking workers in Chamber of Commerce v. [read post]
18 Aug 2008, 12:04 am
* * * [R]oughly 56 percent [of subprime loans originated in 2006] went to non-Hispanic whites. [read post]