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29 Mar 2022, 12:28 pm by Benjamin Wittes
It is no exaggeration to say that the history of the United States has never seen an account of a president’s conduct quite so devastating as the first nine pages of Judge David Carter’s opinion of March 28 in Eastman v. [read post]
27 Oct 2023, 6:02 am by Bill Marler
 E. coli O157:H7 is one of thousands of serotypes Escherichia coli.[1] The combination of letters and numbers in the name of the E. coli O157:H7 refers to the specific antigens (proteins which provoke an antibody response) found on the body and tail or flagellum[2]respectively and distinguish it from other types of E. coli.[3] Most serotypes of E. coli are harmless and live as normal flora in the intestines of healthy humans and… [read post]
16 Jun 2017, 12:50 pm by Dan Ernst
As many LHB readers are aware, the Law and Society Association hosts "Collaborative Research Networks" that sponsors panels for its annual meeting. [read post]
19 Jun 2009, 7:06 am by velvel
It arises under SIPA which is contained in Title 15 of the United States Code. [read post]
29 Jul 2022, 6:15 am by Tess Graham
Under Secretary of State Nuland on Accelerating Aid to Ukraine and Sanctions Against Russiaby Viola Gienger (@ViolaGienger) (March 9, 2022) Humanitarian Corridors in Ukraine: Impasse, Ploy or Narrow Passage of Hope? [read post]
11 Jun 2009, 11:22 am by velvel
After stating the amounts or percentages allowable on sums distributed by the trustee that are less than one million dollars, §326 says that the court can award the trustee “reasonable compensation not to exceed 3 percent of such moneys in excess of $1,000,000, upon all monies disbursed or turned over in the case to parties in interest, excluding the debtor [i.e., excluding Madoff]. [read post]
13 Apr 2024, 3:33 pm by admin
Prelude to Litigation Phenylpropanolamine (PPA) was a widely used direct α-adrenergic agonist used as a medication to control cold symptoms and to suppress appetite for weight loss.[1] In 1972, an over-the-counter (OTC) Advisory Review Panel considered the safety and efficacy of PPA-containing nasal decongestant medications, leading, in 1976, to a recommendation that the agency label these medications as “generally recognized as safe and effective. [read post]
28 Oct 2013, 8:12 pm by Douglas
Com o fim da Segunda Grande Guerra, expande-se o Estado de Bem-Estar Social na Europa e owelfare state nos EUA, que tinham por objetivo fundamental, dentre outros na área econômica, a diminuição da desigualdade social e da precária condição de vida dos pobres por meio de programas assistencialistas executados pelos agentes da mão esquerda do Estado[1]. [read post]
28 Oct 2013, 8:12 pm by Douglas
Com o fim da Segunda Grande Guerra, expande-se o Estado de Bem-Estar Social na Europa e owelfare state nos EUA, que tinham por objetivo fundamental, dentre outros na área econômica, a diminuição da desigualdade social e da precária condição de vida dos pobres por meio de programas assistencialistas executados pelos agentes da mão esquerda do Estado[1]. [read post]
10 May 2010, 1:16 pm by admin
Click Here Beef slaughterhouse in Wash. state to pay $750,000. [read post]
15 Nov 2024, 10:42 pm by Bill Marler
  Three of the five cases, from three different households, submitted specimens that matched by whole genome sequencing (WGS) at the Washington State Public Health Laboratory. [read post]
8 Jun 2024, 5:20 pm by Bill Marler
 E. coli O157:H7 is one of thousands of serotypes Escherichia coli.[1] The combination of letters and numbers in the name of the E. coli O157:H7 refers to the specific antigens (proteins which provoke an antibody response) found on the body and tail or flagellum[2] respectively and distinguish it from other types of E. coli.[3] Most serotypes of E. coli are harmless and live as normal flora in the intestines of healthy humans and… [read post]
30 Apr 2024, 3:12 pm by Bill Marler
 E. coli O157:H7 is one of thousands of serotypes Escherichia coli.[1] The combination of letters and numbers in the name of the E. coli O157:H7 refers to the specific antigens (proteins which provoke an antibody response) found on the body and tail or flagellum[2] respectively and distinguish it from other types of E. coli.[3] Most serotypes of E. coli are harmless and live as normal flora in the intestines of healthy humans and… [read post]
24 Jul 2024, 2:45 pm by Bill Marler
 E. coli O157:H7 is one of thousands of serotypes Escherichia coli.[1] The combination of letters and numbers in the name of the E. coli O157:H7 refers to the specific antigens (proteins which provoke an antibody response) found on the body and tail or flagellum[2]respectively and distinguish it from other types of E. coli.[3] Most serotypes of E. coli are harmless and live as normal flora in the intestines of healthy humans and… [read post]
8 Sep 2015, 5:08 pm by Kevin LaCroix
  First, in a July 8, 2015 decision in Acevedo v. [read post]
25 Jul 2012, 6:13 am by Rob Robinson (Dean Gonsowski) Court Dismisses Countrywide Data Theft Suit - (Justine Gottshall) Crashing the Third Party: Experts Weigh How Far the Government Can Go in Reading Your Email - (Richard Brust) Days Five and Six of a Predictive Coding Narrative: Deep into the Weeds and a Computer Mind-meld Moment - (Ralph Losey) eDiscovery:  4 Tips for Managing the Document Review… [read post]