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9 Jan 2011, 10:39 am
Now for something serious and not so serious at times - the ABCs of HST: A is for Almost Everything - HST covers almost everything; B is for Bookkeeping - Registrants need to keep detailed records and maintain books are records that can be audited by the Canada Revenue Agency Auditors; C is for Canada Revenue Agency - The CRA enforces the HST (both the GST and PVAT portions); D is for Documentary Requirements - A top 10 audit issue is that registrations do not maintain adequate information to… [read post]
2 Jun 2022, 4:10 am by Apostolos Anthimos
The jurisprudence section of this issue includes the CJEU judgments, 15.7.2021, European Commission v. [read post]
25 Apr 2012, 9:50 am by WSLL
Day, JudgeRepresenting Appellant (Plaintiff/Defendant): Gerard R. [read post]