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11 Oct 2007, 11:24 pm
Manohla Dargis describes a scene in the new movie "Elizabeth: The Golden Age":Declaiming from atop her white horse, her legs now conspicuously parted as she straddles the jittery, stamping animal, she invokes God and country, blood and honor, life and death, bringing to mind at once Joan of Arc, Henry V, Winston Churchill and Tony Blair in one gaspingly unbelievable, cinematically climactic moment. [read post]
27 Aug 2012, 4:51 am by Rumpole
The sharper legal eagles amongst our readers know that the right of women to walk topless in public in the Bare Big Apple was secured in the landmark 1992 case of People v. [read post]
24 Oct 2016, 7:41 am by Sarah M Donnelly
” Further documents and briefs in the matter of the Corporation of the President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, et al v. [read post]
18 Sep 2014, 5:28 pm by Colin O'Keefe
– Chicago attorney Jeffrey Nowak of Franczek Radelet on the firm’s blog, FMLA Insights A Busy Year for NHTSA Enforcement and Rulemaking – Washington, DC attorney Christopher Grigorian of Foley & Lardner on the firm’s blog, Dashboard Insights HIPAA Privacy Rule Also Affected By Supreme Court’s DOMA Decision in U.S. v. [read post]
18 Apr 2008, 10:53 am
The Fair Pay Act would restore access to civil justice for women who've been denied equal pay, and who under Ledbetter v. [read post]
6 Mar 2009, 5:42 pm
Innovation during the Downturn - Senior consultant Ronda Muir of Robin Rolfe Resources in her blog, Law People Court Addresses Tension between Defamation Victim's Rights and First Amendment Protection of Anonymous Internet Speech, Provides Guidance on How to Proceed - Bowerman of K&L Gates on the firm's Electronic Discovery Law blog Hot News Meets DMCA - Washington, DC lawyer Edwin Komen of Sheppard Mullin on the firm's Intellectual Property law Blog … [read post]
” This is the first redistricting in Georgia since the 2013 Supreme Court decision Shelby County v. [read post]
Out of the 100 successful applicants 18 were women, 13 declared an ethnic origin other than white, five declared a disability, and 11 were aged over 50. [read post]
18 Apr 2011, 9:26 am by Gerard N. Magliocca
He also strongly supported the Pullman Railroad Strike of 1894, led by Eugene V. [read post]
12 Jun 2012, 9:17 am by Steve Hall
That conviction was overturned by the high court, which ruled 8-1 that prosecutors violated Brady v. [read post]
2 May 2011, 6:04 am by Rachel, Law Clerk
Microsoft falls behind Apple for first time in 20 years | The Guardian: - Devil likely died happy - Laden Killed: The Nation Reacts | TPM Photo Galleries - bin Laden is dead, Obama says - cables dissect Canada's leaders: WikiLeaks - to Michael Fitzgibbon on 8 years of blogging at Thoughts From a Management Lawyer - Votes on Monday: Employee… [read post]