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26 Aug 2011, 4:15 pm by Charon QC
In his first report, Chief Ombudsman for England and Wales Adam Sampson said the most complaints he saw concerned conveyancing, family law and wills. [read post]
2 Jul 2014, 3:48 am by Amy Howe
  Commentary on the decision comes from: Erwin Chemerinsky, who in an op-ed for the Los Angeles Times contends that, “[d]espite all of the claims that its holding was narrow, the Supreme Court’s decision is the broadest in American history in providing corporations the ability to claim an exemption to a law based on the religious beliefs of their owners”;  Alan Morrison, who at ACSblog sets out where, in his view, Justice Alito “went off the proper constitutional… [read post]
19 Dec 2011, 6:35 am by Joshua Matz
At the National Review Online, Eric J. [read post]
9 Jan 2020, 9:05 pm by Alana Bevan
President Donald J. [read post]
24 Aug 2011, 2:54 am by SHG
“There is almost nothing more convincing,” Justice William J. [read post]
24 Jul 2018, 4:39 am by Edith Roberts
” At The National Law Journal (subscription or registration required), Tony Mauro reports that the Senate questionnaire indicates that “[t]he White House reached out to … Kavanaugh within hours of U.S. [read post]
22 May 2018, 4:31 am by Edith Roberts
” Briefly: For this blog, Andrew Hamm reports that Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg received the Henry J. [read post]
16 May 2011, 5:50 pm by Adam Levitin
That's a political decision that probably rests in the White House, not at HUD, and I could see Treasury in particular being very adamant that the US housing market is too fragile to stand any of the big 5 being shut out of the FHA sector. [read post]
14 Feb 2020, 1:15 pm by John Floyd
  Roger Stone is, and has been for decades, a corrupt political fixer for Donald J. [read post]
22 Sep 2016, 7:37 am by Stephen Wermiel
Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit for 19 years and has been the chief judge for more than three years; he served in several positions in the Justice Department, clerked for Supreme Court Justice William J. [read post]
8 Feb 2009, 10:41 pm
  At least it's a tool to use for comparison.And my brother from another mother, J. [read post]
1 May 2023, 9:05 pm by renholding
Mortal & Lukai Yang, The Big Three and Board Gender Diversity: The Effectiveness of Shareholder Voice, J. [read post]