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2 Sep 2014, 8:04 am
Some interesting speculation about the feasibility of head transplants here (ht: Brian Leiter). [read post]
17 Jul 2015, 7:37 am
Brian Leiter is reporting that Jane Stapleton has been elected a Corresponding Fellow of the British Academy. [read post]
19 Jun 2021, 8:49 am
Or: "Why is Brian Leiter so mean to me," asks Carlin Romano back in 2009. [read post]
8 Oct 2008, 10:19 pm
Steven Bradford of the University of Nebraska College of Law. h/t Brian Leiter [read post]
17 Nov 2006, 9:05 am
Texas Law Prof Brian Leiter has the details at his Law School Reports blog. [read post]
26 Nov 2007, 12:44 am
Read about it: the posts by Dean Jim Chen (Louisville) here and Brian Leiter (Texas) here. [read post]
20 Feb 2009, 9:02 am
Brian Leiter has posted a new study of the "scholarly impact" of top law school faculties in the U.S.... [read post]
12 Jul 2022, 9:47 am
Brian Leiter's lateral hires list is here. [read post]
21 May 2009, 9:49 pm
Brian Leiter Law School Reports Mitchell H. [read post]
12 May 2007, 6:18 am
The Legal Theory Bookworm recommends Naturalizing Jurisprudence: Essays on American Legal Realism and Naturalism in Legal Philosophy by Brian Leiter. [read post]
9 Apr 2009, 12:31 pm
Brian Leiter (and commentators) have notedseveral useful sources for law grads and newlaw faculty looking for guides on how the law reviewsubmission process works. [read post]
3 Apr 2017, 6:26 am
Per Brian Leiter, they include Erwin Chemerinsky (UC Irvine), Laura Gómez (UCLA), and Kimberly Yuracko (Northwestern). [read post]
9 Jan 2018, 3:45 am
Brian Leiter (Chicago), SSRN Download Rankings Now Measure Mentions in Newspapers: The top 11 "most downloaded" law authors in the last 12 months are eleven tax professors who co-authored two papers on the recent tax overhaul, which garnered a prominent mention in The New York Times, leading to more than... [read post]
24 Jul 2013, 5:01 am
Brian Tamanaha previously told Inside Higher Education that our research only looked at average earnings premiums and did not consider the low end of the... [read post]
BRIAN LEITER ON BUDGET CUTS: “At some point these acts of brazen viciousness are going to lead to a…
11 Mar 2011, 9:56 am
BRIAN LEITER ON BUDGET CUTS: “At some point these acts of brazen viciousness are going to lead to a renewed philosophical interest in the question of when acts of political violence are morally justified. [read post]
9 Mar 2010, 7:39 pm
As Dan Solove notes below, a law professor at the University of Chicago, named Brian Leiter, who appears to be an avid blogger, early Monday morning posted a poll. [read post]
21 Mar 2011, 6:41 am
Over at Leiter Law School Reports, Brian Leiter interviews Northwestern professor Ronald J. [read post]
27 Oct 2012, 12:35 pm
by Brian Leiter. [read post]
8 Oct 2007, 9:15 am
Brian Leiter has a post entitled Michael Green and Hans Kelsen Redux, which continues his interesting discussion with Green about Kelsen. [read post]
23 Apr 2008, 9:28 am
Brian Leiter is pleased to point out a study showing that while both groups are in the top 3, Philosophy majors outperform Economics majors on the LSAT. [read post]