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18 May 2018, 5:00 am by Rick Hills
Over the last couple of days, there has been an interesting pop-up symposium between Daniel Hemel, Ilya Somin, Brian Galle, and Jeffrey Schmitt over the true meaning of Murphy v. [read post]
16 Apr 2020, 12:05 am by Paul Caron
& Econ. 215 (2019) (reviewed by Daniel Hemel (Chicago) here): Following two decades of discussion, the border adjustment tax briefly emerged as part of proposed U.S. corporate tax reform... [read post]
27 Oct 2017, 1:25 pm by Ari Glogower
This week, Ari Glogower (Ohio State) reviews a new work by Miranda Perry Fleischer (San Diego) and Daniel Hemel (Chicago), Atlas Nods: The Libertarian Case for a Basic Income, 2017 Wis. [read post]
9 Jan 2025, 12:01 pm by Paul Caron
Rank Name School Downloads 1 Jonathan Choi USC 14,026 2 Reuven Avi-Yonah Michigan 12,982 3 Amy Monahan Minnesota 8,754 4 Zachary Liscow Yale 6,831 5 Daniel Hemel NYU 4,768 6 Bridget Crawford Pace 4,748 7 Kim Clausing UCLA 4,606 8 Kristin Hickman Minnesota 4,575 9 D. [read post]
18 Jan 2018, 12:20 pm by Paul Caron
Joseph Bankman (Stanford) presents Federal Income Tax Treatment of Charitable Contributions Entitling the Donor to a State Tax Credit (with David Gamage (Indiana), Jacob Goldin (Stanford), Daniel Hemel (Chicago), Darien Shanske (UC-Davis), Kirk Stark (UCLA), Dennis Ventry (UC-Davis) & Manoj Viswanathan (UC-Hastings)) at Duke today as part of its Tax... [read post]
21 Apr 2017, 1:30 pm by Paul Caron
This week, Daniel Hemel (Chicago) reviews a new article by Richard Schmalbeck (Duke), Jay Soled (Rutgers), and Kathleen DeLaney Thomas (North Carolina), Advocating A Carryover Tax Basis Regime, 93 Notre Dame L. [read post]
22 Dec 2021, 7:00 am by Paul Caron
Following up on my previous posts: The Most-Cited Tax Faculty At The 68 Most-Cited Law Schools The 10 Most-Cited Tax Faculty Tax Profs on Brian Leiter's list of the Faculty Under 50 on the "Most Cited" Lists: Rank Name School Citations Age 1 Daniel Hemel Chicago 500 36 2 Brian... [read post]
16 Sep 2016, 12:52 pm by Daniel Hemel
This week, Daniel Hemel (Chicago) discusses two articles recently posted to SSRN—one by Yair Listokin (Yale), the other by Thomas Brennan (Harvard) and Alvin Warren (Harvard)—which offer illuminating (and divergent) perspectives on the role of realization and deferral in a low interest rate environment. [read post]
29 Dec 2015, 3:00 am by Paul Caron
, by Daniel Hemel: CNBC’s Jim Cramer came to the defense of Apple CEO Tim Cook yesterday, arguing that Apple’s CEO has a duty to minimize... [read post]
10 May 2017, 10:00 am by Paul Caron
Vox: How the States Can Make President Trump’s Taxes Public, by Daniel Hemel (Chicago): The Trump administration’s release of a tax plan — or, at least, a one page summary of its goals for tax policy — has drawn renewed attention to the president’s refusal to release his own tax... [read post]
2 Jun 2017, 11:00 am by Daniel Hemel
This week, Daniel Hemel (Chicago) reviews a new article by Michael Knoll (Penn), Taxation, Competitiveness, and Inversions: A Response to Kleinbard, 155 Tax Notes 619 (May 1, 2017) Do U.S. tax laws place U.S. [read post]
27 Apr 2017, 10:30 am by Paul Caron
Following up on my previous post, The Quick And Easy Way To See Trump’s Tax Returns: Daniel Hemel (Chicago), Can New York Publish President Trump's State Tax Returns? [read post]
24 Feb 2017, 3:13 pm by Paul Caron
This week, Daniel Hemel (Chicago) reviews a new working paper by David M. [read post]
5 Feb 2021, 12:05 am by Paul Caron
Gale (Brookings Institution) Daniel Hemel (Chicago) (Google Scholar) Melissa Kearney (Maryland) (Google Scholar) Ioana E. [read post]
11 Apr 2016, 10:30 am by Paul Caron
Daniel Hemel (Chicago), The Vanguard Case Reconsidered, 150 Tax Notes 1466 (Mar. 21, 2016): Recent news reports have suggested that the Vanguard Group family of mutual funds may need to quadruple investors’ fees to cover corporate income tax liabilities. [read post]
10 Apr 2019, 9:54 am by Paul Caron
Bloomberg Tax, New York Lawmakers Could Trigger Release of Trump Tax Returns (Richard Pomp (Connecticut)) Medium, Fact and Fiction on Trump’s Tax Returns: What Trump’s Lawyer’s Letter Gets Right — And Wrong (Daniel Hemel (Chicago)) Los Angeles Times, The Law Is Clear on Disclosing Trump’s Tax Returns to the House Ways and... [read post]
19 Dec 2017, 1:00 pm by Paul Caron
Reuven Avi-Yonah (Michigan), Lily Batchelder (NYU), Cliff Fleming (BYU), David Gamage (Indiana), Ari Glogower (Ohio State), Daniel Hemel (Chicago), David Kamin (NYU), Mitchell Kane (NYU), Rebecca Kysar (Brooklyn), David Miller (Proskauer), Darien Shanske (UC-Davis), Dan Shaviro (NYU) & Manoj Viswanathan (UC-Hastings), The Games They Will Play: An Update on the... [read post]