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2 Nov 2012, 2:17 pm by Arthur F. Coon
In 2006,Roseburgsought expansion to accommodate a biomass-fueled cogeneration power plant, using heat generated from its boiler both in its manufacturing process and to generate electricity for resale on the grid.  [read post]
23 Jan 2023, 11:54 am by Kaufman Dolowich Voluck
“Michael has a rare depth of industry experience that brings added bench strength to our team, in addition to a unique perspective of someone who has seen all sides of the construction industry,” said Andrew Richards, Woodbury office co-managing partner and co-chair of the Construction Law Practice Group. [read post]
25 May 2011, 11:50 am by William Mattar Law Firm
U.S. and overseas car companies are accelerating output of hybrids and are beginning to introduce vehicles that run only on electricity for everyday driving.The EPA labels, which were required by Congress, allow consumers to compare cost advantages of different technologies and for the first time include information on electric cars.For instance, they post estimates of how much fuel or electricity it takes to drive 100 miles, and how much time it takes to charge a… [read post]
13 Sep 2010, 6:47 am by Sean Wajert
Lincoln Electric Co., et al., 2010 WL  3489002 (6th Cir. 9/8/10). [read post]
24 Sep 2009, 3:34 pm
Patent Nos. 6,959,985; 7,104,630; 6,089,687; and 6,264,301 ("the asserted patents"): Zhuhai Gree Magneto-Electric Co., Ltd. of China of Canoga Park, California Mipo International Ltd. of Hong Kong Mipo America of Miami, Florida Shanghai Angel Printer Supplies Co. [read post]
4 Dec 2017, 1:57 pm by Peter Thompson & Associates
As part of a $120 million settlement with General Motors Co. for concealing safety issues related to vehicle defects, Maine is slated to receive $1.1 million in compensation. [read post]
7 Dec 2011, 7:00 am
Worker training requirements are outlined in OSHA's Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution Standard. [read post]
16 Jul 2015, 2:13 am by Editors
 And so it is with Brackett Denniston III, general counsel of General Electric Company and reigning compensation king two years running. [read post]
24 Sep 2008, 9:08 pm
TREX Co., 424 F.3d 1136, 1149 (Fed. [read post]
3 Sep 2008, 7:40 pm
Additionally, the job was advertised as only requiring a Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering. [read post]
22 Jun 2020, 8:15 am by Dennis Crouch
Petitions denied: Collabo (retroactive IPR violates due process & takings); Celgene (same); Enzo (Same) Hospira (limits on DOE); CJ CheilJedang (same) Comcast (mootness of ITC decision for expired patent) Federal Circuit decision Vacated & Remanded:  Emerson Electric Co. [read post]
19 Jul 2012, 3:00 am by Ted Folkman
In the prior post, I described the facts as follows: Lignite is a low-quality coal used for generating electricity. [read post]