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1 Mar 2012, 9:31 am by jlep
Editor-in-Chief: Adam Park Executive Editor: Nathaniel Harris Managing Editor: Benjamin Charlton Publications Editor: Morgan Shields Senior Articles Editor: Genevieve Miller Articles Editors: Peter Anderson, Kylie Caporuscio, Anthony Kanakis Articles Submissions Editor: Anthony Kanakis Senior Research Editor: Jennifer Johnston Research Editors: Jason Malashevich, Tom Randall, David Brodian Senior Notes Editor: Carolyn Head Notes Editors: Mark Stevens, Emily Barber, Juan Kassar Outreach Editor:… [read post]
4 Jun 2019, 3:00 am by Jim Sedor
McCoy’s Campaign Coffers Pay for Plenty” by Lauren Stanforth for Albany Times Union Ethics National: “A ‘Bridge’ to China, and Her Family’s Business, in the Trump Cabinet” by Michael Forsythe, Eric Lipton, Keith Bradsher, and Sui-Lee Wee (New York Times) for MSN Illinois: “Chicago Board of Ethics Calls for Reforms to Fight City Hall Corruption” by Gregory Pratt for Chicago Tribune Maryland: “UMMS Adopts New Conflict-of-Interest Policy for… [read post]
30 Oct 2015, 6:40 am by Amy Howe
” Jeremy Jacobs of Greenwire reports on “what some see an alarming trend: the funneling of interstate water fights to the Supreme Court. [read post]
6 Jan 2020, 3:01 am by Walter Olson
Should it wish, however, the Senate will have wide latitude to overrule Roberts’s rulings [John Kruzel, The Hill] Regulatory agencies whose officials are unremovable amount to an unaccountable fourth (or fifth?) [read post]
5 Apr 2012, 9:08 pm by Walter Olson
Bad idea [Mark Calabria/Cato, The Economist, Thom Lambert] NYT, Reuters misreport effect of Stand Your Ground laws [Jacob Sullum, Robert VerBruggen/NRO, earlier here, etc.] [read post]
17 Jan 2011, 2:34 pm by Lawrence Solum
In addition to chapters by the editors, James Gardner and Jim Rossi, the collection includes chapters by Neal Devins, Helen Hershkoff, Jacob Levy, Daniel Rodriguez, Lawrence Sager, and Robert Schapiro. [read post]
10 Jan 2017, 2:56 am by Walter Olson
Barton Hinkle (Virginia)] The most damaging way for Trump to attack the press could be the one Obama has already laid out, namely pursuit of leaks and leakers [Peter Sterne/Politico, Mike Masnick/TechDirt] Mark Feb. 3 on calendar for Cato panel on free speech under Trump with Flemming Rose, Frank Buckley, Robert Corn-Revere; earlier Cato panel with Rose and Nick Gillespie on free speech in age of Trump now online; related on Trump’s antagonism toward critics from Jacob… [read post]
12 Apr 2010, 5:50 am by Walter Olson
Town counsel of Southborough, Mass. considering legal action against online critic [Evan Lips/MetroWest Daily News, Jacob Sullum/Reason, Aspen Daily News] “Drowning in laughter”: pic of ill-advised safety sign [Turley] Canadian lawyer accused of fabricating evidence of jury tampering [Times Colonist h/t @ErikMagraken] One union (SEIU) wins $1.5 million verdict against another (NUHW) [Fox, Jottings] “Anti-Law School Blogs Seek to Keep Others from Making ‘Same… [read post]
27 Oct 2013, 9:05 pm by Walter Olson
[ABA Journal, Jacob Sullum, Scott Greenfield] Court grants certiorari in greenhouse-gas case Utility Air Regulatory Group v. [read post]
3 Jan 2013, 5:00 am by Doug Cornelius
Stiles Review Cutting-Edge Cycling Hunter Allen Gone Girl Gillian Flynn Pines Blake Crouch Amazing Gracie: A Dog’s Tale Dan Dye The Age of Miracles Karen Thompson Walker Sharp Objects Gillian Flynn Already Gone John Rector Nine Steps to Sara Lisa Olsen The Walking Dead, Book 8 Robert Kirkman The American Alpine Journal 2012 John III Harlin Moby-Duck: The True Story of 28,800 Bath Toys Lost at Sea and of the Beachcombers, Oceanographers, Environmentalists, and… [read post]
24 Jun 2011, 12:14 pm by Jon Sham
The six female jurors heard closing arguments last week in Baltimore County Circuit Court in a case that began the first week of January before Judge Robert N. [read post]
27 Sep 2011, 2:24 pm
Thierry Sueur described the dissenting speakers as "isolated" (a suggestion strongly rebutted by Robert van Peursem) and astonishingly responded to Sir Robin Jacob's plea not to "do a Euro" by describing the Euro as a "great success". [read post]
10 Apr 2013, 5:56 am by Josh Sturtevant
SenatePanelists:John Felmy, Chief Economist, American Petroleum Institute Paul Allen, Senior Fellow, World Resources Institute Robert Pojasek, Senior Managing Scientist and Sustainability Lead, Exponent, Inc. 12:45–1 pm: Presentation of the 2013 Jamie Grodsky Prize for Environmental Law Scholarship1–2:15 pm: Lunch & Presentation"A European Perspective"Speaker: Marjan Peeters, Professor of Environmental Policy and Law, Maastricht University in the Netherlands; Guest… [read post]