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13 Apr 2008, 9:02 am
She and Bishop were forced out of the Sheriff's Department in February shortly after the grand jury briefed Anderson on the findings. [read post]
9 Mar 2022, 4:30 am
The purpose is to learn from each other while aligning our Ombuds practice with IOA’s newly adopted Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice.Keynote: Ken ClokeKen is a mediator, arbitrator, facilitator, coach, consultant, and trainer, specializing in resolving complex multi-party disputes. [read post]
26 Dec 2013, 10:30 am
Former Williamson County DA and District Judge Ken Anderson went to jail and lost his law license for infamously concealing evidence in Michael Morton's case. [read post]
26 Sep 2023, 6:44 pm
Elizabeth Steiner, Oregon District 17Chair Jessica Vega Pederson, Multnomah County*David Anderson, NW NaturalMonique Claiborne, Greater Portland, IncGraciela Cowger, Schwabe*Shea Flaherty Betin, Prosper PortlandRobert Gootee, Moda Health*Stephen Green, Business for a Better Portland*Nkenge Harmon Johnson, The Urban League*Andrew Hoan, Portland Metro Chamber*Renee James, Ampere*Rachel Langford, Home ForwardCobi Lewis, Micro Enterprise Services of Oregon*Rob O'Neill, Moss AdamsLance… [read post]
13 Nov 2013, 11:33 am
Ken Anderson did it in Texas. [read post]
14 Jul 2011, 1:22 am
Carver's story was featured on CNN's Anderson Cooper's show. [read post]
10 Feb 2012, 9:37 pm
UPDATE: Ken Anderson and Paul Rosenzweig have further thoughts on Koh’s speech here and here. [read post]
28 Mar 2011, 5:09 am
" As Ken Anderson explores in this post, the Resolution itself is quite vague, and it's not clear what limits it actually provides on the intervention. [read post]
11 May 2009, 7:12 am
But the juxtaposition between Spain's abdication of its international legal duty in the relatively easy piracy context with its acting as a one-sided global policeman in the Gaza case highlights the problematic nature of universal jurisdiction as it is being used today, and perhaps as Ken Anderson has suggested that perhaps, some broader problems in international law. [read post]
16 Dec 2007, 2:50 pm
I strongly urge that one read Ken Anderson's remarkable article in the Weekly Standard (which I will write about at greater length anon), which is aptly subtitled The deeply dispiriting Romney-Huckabee religion showdown. [read post]
3 Jul 2015, 9:40 am
On November 8, 2013, Ken Anderson, the prosecutor who tampered with evidence that sent Morton to prison for 25 years for a crime he did not commit, entered into a plea bargain that sent him to jail for ten days, forced him to complete 500 hours of community service, and required him to surrender his law license to the Texas Supreme Court. [read post]
26 Nov 2021, 10:53 am
" This list is not intended to slight important books by Ken Anderson, Sam Bray, Orin Kerr, David Kopel, David Post, and other VC bloggers. [read post]
2 Mar 2010, 11:44 am
Explanations of its origins notwithstanding, the existence of these two, semi-distinct regimes results in some unintended consequences which are often overlooked (and Professor Waxman rightly refers to Ken Anderson’s recent paper as an important exception to this omission). [read post]
4 Dec 2011, 5:54 am
See Grits' earlier discussion.Please keep pretending the naked emperor is clothedBorder Patrol officers are fired if they voice critical opinions about the drug war.Holiday gifts for the amnesiacIf anybody out there is looking for Christmas gifts for Judge Ken Anderson or former Williamson County Sheriff's Sgt. [read post]
12 Jan 2012, 3:30 pm
As Blank shows, “self-defense” is relevant only to the first violation; contrary to the assertions of the U.S. government and scholars like Ken Anderson — whom Blank cites as an example of the position she is criticizing — whether an extraterritorial use of force is legitimate under the jus ad bellum says nothing about whether the targeted killing legitimately deprives the target of his or her right to life. [read post]
15 Jul 2012, 1:42 pm
For the larger context of why this abstract topic matters, the must-read piece is here, by Ken Anderson. 2) Whom Can the Assad Regime Legitimately Target? [read post]
1 May 2008, 3:35 pm
So anyway, much food for thought (especially as London votes today on Red Ken vs Boris) and I'm sure the IT law blogosphere is full of consequent buzz today :)- [read post]
24 Oct 2011, 5:38 am
Ironically, in one of District Judge Ken Anderson's books, he promotes an open file policy within a prosecutor’s office. [read post]
30 Jul 2012, 8:00 am
by Gabor Rona [Gabor Rona is the International Legal Director of Human Rights First] Over at Lawfare, Mark Mazetti’s New York Times Magazine article “The Drone Zone” generated a rich discussion on targeted killing with entries by Ken Anderson, Geoff Corn, me, Charles Dunlap, Laurie Blank, and Michael Lewis. [read post]
10 Nov 2011, 7:59 am
Morton's attorneys say Ken Anderson, a former Williamson County district attorney, withheld evidence at Morton's trial that could have led police to the suspect decades earlier and prevented him from striking again. [read post]