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1 Nov 2022, 10:23 am by David Kopel
On May 14, a criminal with an AR rifle had murdered 10 people at a supermarket in Buffalo. [read post]
2 Jan 2011, 6:38 am by Charon QC
My ex-wife used to roll her eyes when I said, as one does, non haec in foedera veni [Lord Radcliffe in Davis Contractors Ltd v. [read post]
2 Mar 2018, 9:11 am by Guest Blogger
This undoubted fact is a statistical measure of what the majority of those people in the field believe; it has not [read post]
2 Mar 2018, 9:11 am by Guest Blogger
This undoubted fact is a statistical measure of what the majority of those people in the field believe; it has not [read post]
22 Dec 2006, 11:31 am
What follows is a compendium of substantive analyses on some of the key issues of the War on Terror by the authors here at Balkinization.The Anti-Torture Memos: Balkinization Posts on Civil Liberties, the War on Terror and Presidential PowerPart I-- Civil LibertiesPart II-- Presidential Power and Constitutional StructurePart III-- Torture and the "Torture Memos"Part IV- The NSA Controversy and Government SurveillancePart V-- HamdanPart VI-- The Military Commissions Act of… [read post]
28 Jul 2008, 5:45 pm
At least 69 people became ill. [read post]
2 Apr 2012, 6:15 am by Mandelman
I thought it might be exciting if I showed you something very few people have ever seen… an honest to goodness peek behind the curtain, if you will. [read post]
8 Sep 2016, 7:40 am
The Secretariat of the Norwegian Pension Fund Global has just circulated the decision, taken in April 2016 by the Norwegian Ethics Council, to recommend exclusion of Duke Energy Corp. [read post]
2 May 2011, 5:29 am by Badrinath Srinivasan
The rhetoric-reality gap is attributable in part to a dilemma the Court created for itself: its national policy favoring arbitration is constitutionally-suspect unless people assent, yet letting people make what contracts they wish would prevent implementing the national policy. [read post]
2 Aug 2012, 8:31 am by christopher
HarvardLaw74 Backup file made by TweetBackup 2012-08-02 15:24:182012-08-02 14:03:54 HarvardLaw74: RT @KeithDarce: Private financing of digital health tripled in 1st half of 2012 to $499B via HealthTechZone #startups [Non Social media driven Healthcare startups have the immediate opportunity to achieve solid revenues in an expanding domestic and international market] 00:22:42 HarvardLaw74: 482 recently… [read post]
31 Oct 2009, 4:06 pm by admin
About 50 million gallons of partially treated sewage ended up in the Bay as recently as Oct. 13, when about 4 inches of rain fell on the East Bay, said officials from the East Bay Municipal Utility District, which treats East Bay sewage. [read post]
4 Mar 2010, 3:17 pm by admin
The following is a summary review of articles from all over the nation concerning environmental law settlements, decisions, regulatory actions and lawsuits filed during the past week. [read post]
29 Jun 2010, 9:29 pm by HumaRashid
Men have it easy compared to women: they don’t have to ponder the great Pantsuit v. [read post]
12 Oct 2023, 12:48 pm by Melody Lanier
We took an even closer look Texas, where we represent people who have been injured or a loved one killed in a collision with a commercial truck.These alarming truck accident statistics underscore the need for stricter safety measures, better road infrastructure, and increased training for truck drivers. [read post]