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16 Apr 2010, 5:18 pm by Eric Schweibenz
With respect to the technical prong of the domestic industry requirement, Apple asserts that its iMac and MacBook portable computers, with pre-installed software, including Mac OS x v.10.6 Snow Leopard, iTunes, iPhoto, Photo Booth and other software, as well as the iPhone practice at least one of the Asserted Patents. [read post]
9 Nov 2011, 10:39 am by Derek Bambauer
Yesterday, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the U.S. v. [read post]
24 Nov 2019, 2:15 pm by Stuart Kaplow
While there was no announcement, the worst kept secret at Greenbuild is that USGBC is that the work on LEED v 5 (.. in lieu of v 4.2) will soon commence in earnest. [read post]
3 Apr 2007, 11:30 am
Durston, as Warden of the State Prison at Auburn, N.Y. 2 v. (1889). [read post]