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25 Jan 2018, 4:11 am by Yan Luo and Phil Bradley-Schmieg
 The definition of “sensitive personal information,” however, takes a different approach to the GDPR: rather than applying only to specific types of data, the Standard takes a risk-based approach, defining “sensitive” personal information as any personal information which, if lost or misused, is capable of endangering persons or property, easily harming personal reputation and mental and physical health, or leading to… [read post]
8 Feb 2019, 6:06 pm by Benjamin S. Persons, IV
United States This was precisely the scenario confronted by a federal judge in Macon during a recent case, Rodriguez-Densley v. [read post]
The Supreme Court of India (SC) on Friday dismissed a plea against the Madras High Court’s September 2023 judgment that left it to the chief minister of the state of Tamil Nadu to decide if Minister V. [read post]
17 Nov 2011, 2:39 am by tracey
Williams v Essex County Council: [2011] EWCA Civ 1315;  [2011] WLR (D)  329 “A statement of special educational needs automatically lapsed when a person ceased to be a child, which was at 19 years. [read post]
13 Mar 2017, 2:42 am by SAMANTHA KNIGHTS, MATRIX
The majority drew upon the case law of the ECtHR (Rodriguez Da Silva, Hoogkamer v Netherlands and Jeunesse v Netherlands). [read post]
24 Jun 2008, 2:00 pm
In March of this year, the Court of Appeals again addressed this issue in the case of Keene v. [read post]