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24 Apr 2011, 4:18 am by Mandelman
  The mailer received by the homeowner in Long Beach, California, that was also received by the St. [read post]
4 Dec 2008, 2:00 pm
Pritchard suggested that corporate shareholders propose a fix for what he considers flaws in the Supreme Court's Basic v. [read post]
28 Mar 2013, 2:23 pm by Moderator
  These powers include those which other articles of the Civil Code specify requires an express authorization: to desist, settle, substitute and delegate said power of attorney.The Civil Section of the Supreme Court of Justice has stressed in an unusually candid decision that absurd decisions by public officials should not get in the way of a legal representative as long as he is acting as authorized by the letter of the corporation charter:It does not seem adequate or correct… [read post]
7 Oct 2018, 8:59 am by Omar Ha-Redeye
  An error of law by an administrative tribunal interpreting the Constitution can always be reviewed fully by a superior court. [read post]
25 Jun 2022, 1:38 pm
It is  hosted by Völkerrechtsblog and brilliantly co-organized by Justine Batura (Völkerrechtsblog), Anna Sophia Tiedeke (Völkerrechtsblog) and Michael Riegner (University of Erfurt; co-founder of the Völkerrechtsblog), who will feature as guest editor of the Symposium. [read post]
20 Mar 2022, 5:36 pm by INFORRM
Recent Judgments On 10 February 2022 Nicklin J handed down judgment in the case of Harcombe v Associated Newspapers Ltd [2022] EWHC 543 (QB)  dealing with the question as to whether there should be preliminary issues in what the judge described as “the most significant piece of defamation litigation that I have seen in a very long time” [9]. [read post]
21 Jan 2015, 8:57 pm by Joey Fishkin
 This is a claim articulated most fully (so far) by Justice Scalia in his brief concurrence in Ricci v. [read post]
26 Feb 2023, 9:25 am by Chip Merlin
’ The Supreme Court has long recognized that through this provision Congress intended to outlaw unreasonable restraints of trade. [read post]
6 Oct 2011, 6:02 pm by Contributor
With the intent of renewing the debate on this issue, the following article, although long overdue, will summarize and discuss the Advisory Panel’s report. [read post]
25 May 2012, 12:05 am by Ken
He is not able to make long, sustained notes. [read post]
5 May 2010, 8:22 am Court Grants Expedited Discovery Against Yahoo to Discover Identity of John Doe Defendants - Delaware Superior Court Adopts eDiscovery Rules - Draft Alberta Rules of Court Now Available - DU Law Review: Mandating Reasonableness in a Reasonable Inquiry - E-Discovery at Issue in Case Involving Anna Nicole Smith's Mom -… [read post]
7 Sep 2009, 2:12 am
Anglo-American law has long restricted the use of hearsay. [read post]