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25 Feb 2009, 6:02 pm
  I can't remember to keep my cell phone charged, so I'm dubious about my ability to keep the Kindle charged and ready to read. [read post]
11 Jan 2016, 10:45 am by Rechtsanwalt Martin Steiger
Die Snowden-Enthüllungen dienen geradezu als Wunschzettel für Sicherheitsbehörden, die mit ihren Wünschen auf offene Türen bei Regierungen und Parlamenten stossen. [read post]
23 Mar 2011, 9:38 am by David Lat
Fred Wilson wants to know why you're so expensive.A prominent venture capitalist, Fred Wilson, has a question: Why do lawyers cost so darn much? [read post]
23 Sep 2008, 11:22 pm
  "He said: 'Honestly, I'm kind of torn about it, because I do think we shouldn't regulate the market until we know there's a problem, but I do understand the value behind keeping equal access to the different sites,' (Those weren't the exact words, but that was the sentiment,)" Lehrer recalls. [read post]
4 Mar 2009, 8:30 pm
Actually, I’m not sure they’re the best Congress that money can buy — just that they’re a Congress that money can buy . . . . [read post]
29 Nov 2011, 5:00 am
My position is that if you're using it for evil, or to lie, cheat, bully, share your naughty parts or thoughts, or do anything you wouldn't be comfortable doing in this room, plus add your mom and your boss, then you shouldn't use it. [read post]
30 Oct 2008, 3:49 pm
Schneier also has a new book on security; I haven't read it, but I'm a fan of his in general. [read post]
3 Apr 2020, 12:40 pm by Rechtsanwalt Martin Steiger
Im vorliegenden Fall wäre ein transparentes Vorgehen sämtlicher Akteure aber nicht nur rechtlich notwendig, sondern könnte auch einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur Akzeptanz der Massnahme in der Bevölkerung leisten. [read post]