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FREE SPEECH: Class action suit says Florida Highway Patrol illegally tickets motorists who warn oth…
27 Aug 2011, 1:18 pm
.” You’re not actually supposed to ticket people for “personal affronts.” [read post]
16 Mar 2011, 3:15 pm
“Gunshot wounds to the back of the thigh by officers practicing with handguns are usually the result of a combination of poor trigger discipline and oops-a-daisy re-holstering. [read post]
SPACEX WANTS TO GO TO MARS: “‘We’ll probably put a first man in space in about three years,’ Elon M…
25 Apr 2011, 7:52 am
‘We’re going all the way to Mars, I think… best case 10 years, worst case 15 to 20 years. [read post]
25 Oct 2011, 3:13 pm
After all, we’re adults.” They don’t want you to be adults. [read post]
13 Dec 2011, 8:32 pm
They’re fighting against a ‘culture of violence’ and the presence of too many European males in the public health field. [read post]
IS THE DEMOCRATS’ ATTEMPT TO RECALL SCOTT WALKER a mistake? “I certainly hope so, but that is an aw…
17 Dec 2011, 3:18 pm
Much more money will be spent to unseat Governor Walker than to re-elect him. [read post]
2 Jan 2012, 4:43 am
. “Obviously, the man is trying to get reelected, but it’s so absurd to pose as if standing on principle, when you’re not willing to say or do anything at all. . . . [read post]
18 May 2010, 7:51 pm
And poor Crystal was dragged down with all those man-lyrics: “Maybe I’m a man and maybe you’re the only woman who could ever help me…. [read post]
24 Nov 2011, 5:43 am
. “: Federal regulators have ordered Bank of America and other large banks to undergo stress tests to prove they’re financially sound. [read post]
20 Nov 2010, 7:29 am
And you can spot the fascists, because they’re the ones calling for a smaller government! [read post]
6 Mar 2012, 4:58 am
THEY TOLD ME IF I VOTED FOR JOHN MCCAIN — OH, HELL, YOU KNOW THE REST: Eric Holder: Constitution Doesn’t Cover Terrorists, Even If They’re American Citizens. [read post]
3 Apr 2009, 4:21 am
Now he says: “We’re having a major financial crisis in part because of failures of supervision. [read post]
ERIC HOLDER WAS UNAVAILABLE FOR COMMENT: “Remember when Arizona Governor Jan Brewer was ridiculed f…
29 Oct 2010, 5:21 am
Well, now they’re turning up in the Phoenix area. [read post]
9 Jan 2012, 9:43 am
I can no longer hear a word you’re saying. [read post]
20 Sep 2010, 7:39 am
But now they’re in a civil war in city and state politics. [read post]
6 Mar 2010, 3:00 pm
You can never have too many of these, at least if you’re me. . . . [read post]
23 Jul 2011, 2:26 pm
. “In fairness, Republicans successfully sell their anti-tax message not because they have better orators or buy craftier linguists, but because taxpayers don’t feel they’re getting a lot of value for their dollars, and most suspect they could feel the same ‘awe and respect’ for half the price.” [read post]
14 Nov 2011, 3:57 pm
And now we’re living in a leaderless time? [read post]
MICKEY KAUS ON fears of a lame-duck Congress. “Democratic legislators and their aides are trying to…
4 Aug 2010, 7:25 am
“Democratic legislators and their aides are trying to have it both ways–pumping up the possibility of an ambitious ‘lame duck’ session when they’re in base-pleasing mode, then calling it a fantasy when their opponents take them seriously. [read post]
22 Jun 2011, 1:13 pm
They’re not themselves, and the responses are not always what you, or they, would expect. [read post]