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7 Apr 2010, 3:44 pm
“It’s affecting waters around the world, and it’s particularly stark in the waters off the West Coast. [read post]
26 Aug 2018, 9:39 am
PEDRO PABLO KUCZYNSKI GODARD Presidente de la República CLAUDIA MARÍA COOPER FORT Ministra de Economía y Finanzas ANEXO Compensación Económica Mensual S/ Presidente del Organismo Supervisor de la Inversión en Infraestructura de Transporte de Uso Público (OSITRAN) S/ 28 000,00 Presidente del Organismo Supervisor de la Inversión Privada en Telecomunicaciones (OSIPTEL) S/ 28 000,00 Presidente del… [read post]
23 Nov 2024, 8:02 am
In April, a Court froze bank accounts controlled by Wealth Assistants or its principals Max K. [read post]
22 Feb 2012, 3:02 pm
A PGR alega que a norma impugnada viola o artigo 225, parágrafo 1º, inciso III, da Constituição Federal, pois os parques são espaços territoriais especialmente protegidos, e sua alteração ou supressão somente pode-se dar por lei em sentido formal. [read post]
29 Aug 2015, 10:58 am
[3] Nature has created an ingenious bug in norovirus. [21] The round blue ball structure of norovirus is actually a protein surrounding the virus’s genetic material. [16, 33] The virus attaches to the outside of cells lining the intestine, and then transfers its genetic material into those cells. [33] Once the genetic material has been transferred, norovirus reproduces, finally killing the human cells and releasing new copies of itself that attach to more cells of the… [read post]
14 Oct 2017, 8:56 am
Once the genetic material has been transferred, norovirus reproduces, finally killing the human cells and releasing new copies of itself that attach to more cells of the intestine’s lining. [5] Norovirus (previously called “Norwalk-like virus” or NLV) is a member of the family Caliciviridae. [read post]
8 Apr 2011, 1:00 pm
When the crime or offense for which the person’s extradition is requested is purely military. 6. [read post]
29 Jun 2010, 5:00 pm
., at or in the direction of another, whether or not the actor believes it to be loaded; or (5) Commits a simple assault as defined in subsection a. (1), (2) or (3) of this section upon: (a) Any law enforcement officer acting in the performance of his duties while in uniform or exhibiting evidence of his authority or because of his status as a law enforcement officer; or (b) Any paid or volunteer fireman acting in the performance of his duties while in uniform or otherwise clearly identifiable as… [read post]
28 Jun 2012, 9:42 am
A broker’s duty to their investor-client is that they determine the investment product to be sold be “suitable” for the particular investor; given the investor’s wealth, level of knowledge or sophistication in understanding the market, and the investor’s stated goals related to overall risk and goals in the market. [read post]
11 Jul 2016, 4:46 pm
** Is the All State Nationwide Class Back for False Advertising Plaintiffs? [read post]
20 Jan 2022, 8:57 pm
This could be explained by the strain’s Stx2a toxin subtype, which produces more virulent toxins than other types. [read post]