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7 May 2010, 5:08 am by Lawrence B. Ebert
And it appears that she's got the chairman of House Judicary, John Conyers, D-Mich., and the ranking Republican, Lamar Smith, R-Texas, on board. [read post]
1 Oct 2015, 12:39 pm by David M. Goldman
Lane, 495 So.2d 821 (Fla. 4th DCA 1986) and In re Will of Smith, 158 N.C. [read post]
4 May 2012, 11:52 am
At Shepherd Smith Edwards and Kantas, LTD, LLP, we consider it our job to help investors of securities fraud to recoup their losses. [read post]
12 Apr 2019, 8:25 am by Silver Law Group
According to FINRA Disciplinary actions for February 2019, the following individuals were barred from FINRA and cannot currently work for a FINRA brokerage firm for failing to provide FINRA with information it requested or to keep information current with FINRA pursuant to FINRA rules: NAME FORMER EMPLOYERS   Arizmendi, Jose   Silber Bennett Financial, Inc   TCFG Wealth Management, LLC   Barrick, Tabor   FBL Marketing Services, LLC   Allstate Financial Services, LLC… [read post]
24 Oct 2008, 1:54 am
Among the rainmakers in Thelen's construction practice are David Buoncristiani and John Heisse, both of the San Francisco office, and each with big books of business; Heisse's is estimated from $2 million to $5 million, and Buoncristiani's is said to be more than $5 mil. [read post]
13 Dec 2011, 8:58 am by azatty
You may read in the story about the grounds for which County Manager David Smith fired Harris. [read post]
19 Jan 2008, 1:40 pm
Update: MSNBC has this short piece about former South Carolina Governor David Beasley blaming Thompson for Huckabee's loss to McCain this evening. [read post]
14 Dec 2010, 1:45 am by Dave
There are other clauses as well, interesting in their moment, for example: the Housing Ombudsman's entrepreneurial accretion of jurisdiction has extended to housing complaints from local authority occupiers in respect (inter alia) of the provision and management of stock (cll 153-5), but there is a filter (the complaint must be referred by an MP, councillor or "designated tenant panel"), which is much-derided in relation to the Parliamentary Ombudsman, and provision for the housing… [read post]
25 Oct 2006, 7:41 pm
A BNA Health Care Report (HT: David Fischer) notes that “community” pharmacists are planning to ask state AGs to investigate whether Wal-Mart’s $4 generic program is designed to avoid state predatory pricing laws. [read post]
22 Nov 2008, 11:08 pm
Once again, despite some weaknesses in the plotting (not entirely solved by David Ives's "concert adaptation"), I was really impressed by what Bernstein came up with musically in his first shot at Broadway as a 20-something composer. [read post]
1 Oct 2010, 7:57 am by Steve Hall
David Grann's September 2009 New Yorker article is noted here. [read post]
25 Mar 2007, 2:06 pm
David Jones expects cost savings from its forthcoming advertising renegotiations but is unlikely to excise media from its schedule like rival Myer. [read post]
12 Jul 2011, 12:36 am by J
For a full review of the background, see our previous posts, where David Smith sets it all out in rather more detail.Anyway, back to the case – in 2008, Hyndburn decided to introduce a selective licensing scheme. [read post]
7 Sep 2012, 11:54 pm by Tessa Shepperson
 If you haven’t already had it twice, read it  here …   Further reading Property 118 ask questions of the TPO on what to do about agents operating illegally ad get an answer David Smith writes on the Anthony Gold blog on HMO prosecutions and a recent case where he had an unexpected success An interesting post on the ‘beds in sheds’ issue from John Perry of the Migrants Rights Network Landlord Today reports on Shelters campaign against… [read post]
10 Mar 2010, 5:22 am by David Oscar Markus
Smith, Michael Moore and Leslie Lott, and David O. [read post]