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24 Jan 2023, 2:41 am by Frank Cranmer
Critically, it was the decision of the sponsoring bishop  – in this case the Bishop of Shrewsbury – to send a candidate to a Bishops Advisory Panel; and she had decided not to sponsor Professor McCalla for a Panel assessment “because she did not discern the required vocation in the claimant” [46]. [read post]
28 Jul 2021, 12:16 pm
  (One of seven from today, I might add.)I don't imagine that appellant's counsel -- Timothy Bishop from Mayer Brown -- tries to pick up women in bars much, that he uses his professional status to do so, or that he'd elect to use today's case were he to decide otherwise. [read post]
14 May 2017, 7:38 am by Howard Friedman
 However it allowed him to move ahead with his claim that the vegan menu causes him gastrointestinal distress that interferes with his religious practices.In Bishop v. [read post]
17 Nov 2010, 10:51 am
The rights and the duties of the Standing Committee, except as provided in the Constitution and Canons of the General Convention, may be prescribed by the Canons of the respective Dioceses.ARTICLE V. [read post]
10 Jun 2008, 11:07 am
I found the bill analysis particularly interesting in its reference to the Chicago Cubs and Rutgers (I believe that the case referred to in the legislative analysis is Shlensky v. [read post]
21 Nov 2023, 12:33 am by Frank Cranmer
Without a doubt, he states, the canons provide for how a bishop is appointed and for how disputes relating to the election of bishops are resolved: “Courts cannot appoint a bishop for the Church. [read post]