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30 Oct 2022, 12:54 am by Frank Cranmer
Sheriff John McCormick held that the event had been cancelled because of the religious or philosophical beliefs of BGEA and Franklin Graham as viewed by the SEC’s reaction by others to the religious or philosophical beliefs professed by BGEA and/or Franklin Graham. [read post]
3 Dec 2018, 1:50 pm by Ezra Rosser
New Article: Cary Franklin, The New Class Blindness, Yale L. [read post]
14 Jul 2010, 2:30 am by John L. Welch
In an article in the latest issue of IDEA (published by Franklin Pierce Law School) entitled "Following the Direction of TrafFix: Trade Dress Law and Functionality Revisited," Professor Amy Cohen of Western New England College School of Law reviews the history of product configuration trade dress law, including its expansion in the 1980s through the Supreme Court's attempt in TrafFix Devices Inc. v. [read post]
20 Jan 2016, 4:12 pm by Guest Blogger
  The case establishing this proposition, Franklin v. [read post]
30 Apr 2024, 3:20 pm by Patricia Salkin
Compass Homes, Inc v City of Upper Arlington Board of Zoning and Planning, 2023 WL 5091859 (OH App. 8/8/2023) [read post]