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5 Jun 2020, 9:51 am by Ezra Rosser
Schedule (unless otherwise noted, all are scheduled for Thursdays at 2 pm Eastern) June 18: Medha Makhlouf (Penn State Dickinson) with Nicole Huberfeld (Boston University) June 25: Ariel Jurow Kleiman (San Diego) with Sara Sternberg Greene (Duke)July 9: Michelle Layser (Illinois) with Sara Rankin (Seattle)July 16: ​Yael Cannon (Georgetown) with Wendy Bach (Tennessee)July 27: Etienne Toussaint (UDC) with Marc-Tizoc Gonzalez (New Mexico) ​*Note: Tuesday at… [read post]
1 May 2020, 9:30 pm by Dan Ernst
Presenters included legal historians Sarah Seo (Iowa Law) and Karen Tani (Berkeley Law). [read post]