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13 May 2022, 10:39 am by Eugene Volokh
Mark Lemley, Mark McKenna, and Rebecca Tushnet, who filed an amicus brief in support of our position; to Profs. [read post]
16 Jan 2009, 5:00 am
(ContentAgenda)   Scotland Franz Ferdinand sends Web-Sheriff after pirates (TorrentFreak) (Techdirt)   Singapore Sony Ericsson to be first in Singapore to sell major-label music files without DRM (ContentAgenda)   Sweden Pirate Bay’s tour bus to become court case press centre (TorrentFreak)   United Kingdom UK censors responses to piracy consultation (TorrentFreak) Framlingham College wins cybersquatting case against Canadian domain parkers Realm… [read post]
6 Feb 2015, 9:28 am by Rebecca Tushnet
 Rebecca Tushnet, Registering Discontent Sheff conferred a positive externality on me since our projects are so similar. [read post]
8 Apr 2013, 6:23 am by Rebecca Tushnet
Rebecca Tushnet, Professor of Law, Georgetown University Law Center What I think of as my critical scholarship: First Amendment and copyright. [read post]
18 Jun 2020, 11:19 am by Rebecca Tushnet
CSUSA Fair Use panel Jennifer Pariser, MPA Joseph Salvo, Sesame Workshop Rebecca Tushnet II. [read post]
13 Oct 2008, 12:12 pm
Here is IP Think Tank’s weekly selection of top intellectual property news breaking in the blogosphere and internet. [read post]
7 Jul 2009, 9:24 am
More on Vladek's presentation from Arnold & Porter, Perkins Coie and Rebecca Tushnet. [read post]
24 Feb 2015, 11:16 am by Michael Risch
In All of This Has Happened Before and All of This Will Happen Again: Innovation in Copyright Licensing, Rebecca Tushnet considers whether easier, cheaper (even free) licensing of copyrighted works should supplant fair use doctrine. [read post]
17 Oct 2014, 6:00 am by Guest Blogger
  As Rebecca Tushnet has remarked in connection with the blank spaces Google Books substituted for books’ printed images, the blank spaces provide “a perfect if unintentional demonstration of how copyright, like much of law, thinks about images, which is to say it doesn’t think much about them at all, privileging the text…. [read post]
11 Jul 2014, 9:11 am
Finally, crossing to the US of A, one of this Kat's heroes, Marty Schwimmer, Anti-scam Warrior and Redskins Worrier, updates us -- with a little help from Rebecca Tushnet's 43(B)log -- on his efforts to pin down Patent & Trademark Agency LLC for false advertising and creating the erroneous impression that people have to pay it money ...Misplaced anger: theproblem's the software ...Back on 14 January the IPKat hosted a guest post by Barbara Cookson, "Problems… [read post]
18 Apr 2017, 6:15 pm by Morgan Weiland
Tushnet, Rebecca, Power Without Responsibility: Intermediaries and the First Amendment, 76 Geo. [read post]
1 Apr 2016, 3:29 am
Trademark Cases"Professor Rebecca Tushnet Says the CAFC's Reasoning in In re Tam Was WrongRecommended Reading: Marc J. [read post]
17 Apr 2024, 9:07 am by Dennis Crouch
On her blog, Professor Rebecca Tushnet discussed the district court opinion and argued that the district court likely erred because Crocs’ claims of patented and exclusive likely convey a false message to consumers that Crocs’ products are made of a unique material that provides superior qualities compared to competitors’ products. [read post]
25 Jul 2016, 2:53 am by Steve Baird
Perhaps this analysis may add further support to Professor Rebecca Tushnet’s forthcoming Essay (not that she needs it), contending “that In re Tam is wrongly reasoned even given the Supreme Court’s increased scrutiny of commercial speech regulations, and that to hold otherwise and preserve the rest of trademark law would require unprincipled distinctions within trademark law. [read post]
14 Oct 2016, 7:02 am by Tucker Chambers
Keller & Rebecca Tushnet, Even More Parodic than the Real Thing: Parody Lawsuits Revisited, 94 Trademark Rep. 979-1016 (2004). [read post]
4 Feb 2008, 12:30 am
Spotted at Rebecca Tushnet’s wonderful blog and also discussed in this New York Times article from earlier in the week (complete with some of the videos). [read post]
24 Oct 2008, 11:52 pm
(Techdirt) RealDVD court case could prompt more commercial-grade DVD copying software (Intellectual Property Watch) Why ISPs shouldn't be copyright cops (Techdirt) Reform groups: open access a must for mergers between Verizon and Alltel and Sprint Nextel and Clearwire (Ars Technica) Copyrighted computer software and implied licenses to use: Asset Marketing Systems v Kevin Gagnon (IP Law Blog) American Airlines sues Yahoo for selling keyword advertising (The IP Factor) (Out-Law) (Law360)… [read post]