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4 Mar 2011, 9:06 am by Matthew Ryder QC, Matrix.
For those reasons, the decision of the Supreme Court was a straight forward endorsement of the courts below. [read post]
1 Dec 2009, 9:42 am
Nur Afi v Guidance Residential height="500" width="100%" > value=" [read post]
28 Jun 2012, 1:20 pm by NFS Esq.
While the “Qualified” and “Absolute” privileges seem pretty straight forward, the devil is in the details. [read post]
7 Sep 2017, 7:33 am by Andrew Hamm
Writing for five justices, Scalia described the decision as a “rather straight-forward application of our holding in Crawford. [read post]
19 Sep 2009, 2:14 pm
But turning to the merits, DOJ's argument is quite straight-forward. [read post]