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22 Mar 2012, 8:00 am
The Virginia Non-Compete Blog, whose focus is on the protection of employees, details a recent decision, United Marketing Solutions v. [read post]
15 Oct 2010, 10:02 am by Susan Brenner
[T]he Government . . . expects to prove at trial that there are high-frequency trading systems that may be purchased by securities trading firms, and that Goldman maintains computers in the United States and elsewhere in the world that use its Trading System to conduct trading on world markets. [read post]
25 May 2012, 3:39 am by Russ Bensing
”  Keep in mind that well over a million people are convicted of felonies in the United States every year, and this registry covers 23 years. [read post]
6 Jan 2015, 9:01 pm by Sherry F. Colb
United States), for federal agents, and to 1961 (Mapp v. [read post]
4 Jan 2012, 1:21 pm
United States, 64 F.3d 206 (5th Cir. 1995); Barnes v. [read post]
18 Sep 2019, 4:04 am by SHG
“And with his four women as law clerks, it’s the first time in the history of the United States that there have been more women clerking at the court than men. [read post]
United States that the statute applied to any act “designed to defraud by representations as to the past or present, or suggestions and promises as to the future. [read post]
28 Nov 2018, 1:26 pm by DanSchlanger
In one recent year, more than 500,000 people in the United States fell victim to identity theft at the hands of friends and family. [read post]
5 Apr 2010, 4:39 am by Susan Brenner
Here, according to the court, is how the case arose: [Alberto] Maciel is a Mexican citizen who had been living in the United States under the stolen identity of Ramon Ramirez, a man with whom Maciel was not acquainted. [read post]
11 Aug 2014, 4:24 am by Ben
 Automated Solutions Corporation v. [read post]