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27 Jun 2018, 10:25 am by Eric Goldman
He can demand that the legislature pass a law like the initiative before the deadline to withdraw the initiative from the ballot (in which case he’ll withdraw), or the voters will potentially lock in the initiative language forever. [read post]
28 Oct 2015, 7:54 am by Cooper Quintin and Dave Maass
However, when the Web was locked down, but Telnet was not, we were sometimes able to view password information in the Telnet configuration. [read post]
24 Jul 2018, 5:15 pm by Bennett Cyphers
Because of its massive reach across much of the world, the platform can effectively censor public speech, perform psychological experiments, and potentially sway elections on the scale of a nation-state. [read post]
11 Jan 2022, 9:01 pm by Sherry F. Colb
You think you can prevent my candidate from joining the Court and reversing Roe v. [read post]
12 Mar 2012, 8:13 am by Ronald Collins
Taft, Anti-Semitism in the United States (1920) Benjamin N. [read post]
2 Mar 2012, 4:26 pm by Ailyn Cabico
  These advisers should submit a state Form ADV to the relevant state by March 20, 2012 to allow at least 90 days for state approval (California in particular). (2) State-registered Investment Adviser switching to SEC registration. [read post]
29 Jun 2012, 12:15 pm by dirklasater
”1 Aside from the granular problems stated above, and recognizing that the proposed amendments would in fact add to the problem astutely noted in the quote above by Lawrence Lessig, there is a global, more systemic conflict at issue within the realm of copyright enforcement litigation deserving mention. [read post]
19 Jul 2010, 3:37 pm by Steven M. Taber
The government and Jupiter have been locked in battle since 2007, when the federal government claimed in a lawsuit filed in the U.S. [read post]
13 Mar 2019, 6:16 am by Kevin Kaufman
Step-up in basis reduces capital gains tax liability on property passed to an heir by excluding any appreciation in the property’s value that occurred during the decedent’s lifetime from taxation.[1] This policy has been critiqued for its “lock-in effect,” that it discourages taxpayers from realizing capital gains by allowing a deceased person’s returns from saving, in the form of capital gains, to be passed on to heirs without tax. [read post]
16 Jan 2024, 1:19 pm by Kevin LaCroix
Nessim MezrahiStephen SigristOne of the perennial securities class action litigation issues is the question of how courts should view plaintiff’s allegations made in reliance on short seller reports. [read post]
19 Apr 2012, 4:04 pm by Howard Knopf
This is not normally how settlements are done – even at the Copyright Board.The deal represents about a 50% (or even an 800% based upon the existing minimum rate) increase over the current rates, which should have gone significantly down rather than up after the 2004 CCH v. [read post]
5 Apr 2007, 6:02 pm
  However, the Commission concluded that, while JEDEC minutes indicated a “reluctance” to adopt patented technologies, those minutes did not “state that the committee will not standardize a patented technology, and the basic JEDEC and EIA documents repeatedly spell out procedures under which patented technologies may be accepted. [read post]
20 Jun 2009, 4:46 am
While other people seeking entry or residency to Canada have encountered nothing but a locked door and an unwelcome mat. [read post]
19 Aug 2011, 6:34 am by NL
On his own site, he states “until I won in the 2010 General Election, I was a lawyer practising in housing law”. [read post]
3 Oct 2011, 8:42 pm by Jasmine Joseph
A version of that right is entrenched in the constitutional law of the United States: the right of every human being – again, without exception – not to be subjected to any punishment that is “cruel and unusual”. [read post]
19 Aug 2011, 6:34 am by NL
On his own site, he states “until I won in the 2010 General Election, I was a lawyer practising in housing law”. [read post]
4 Oct 2008, 11:54 pm
Additionally, respected public health organizations worldwide have reviewed the data, and every major group has stated that food irradiation is a potential tool to protect the public health. [read post]
17 Jan 2019, 9:02 am
  Such conduct was expected to comply with law and it was left to the state and its domestic legal order to deal with those issues. [read post]
30 Mar 2020, 12:53 am by Peter Mahler
” Tienken opposed dissolution and sought dismissal of the petition for failure to state a valid claim. [read post]