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23 Nov 2021, 10:00 pm
The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) has held in Case C-410/19 The Software Incubator Ltd v Computer Associates (UK) Ltd that the supply of software by electronic means, where accompanied by the grant of a perpetual user license in return for a fee, could constitute a “sale of goods” for the purpose of defining a commercial agent under the EU Commercial Agents Directive (the Directive). [read post]
22 Mar 2016, 12:58 pm by Brittany Felder
[JURIST] The US Supreme Court [official website] ruled [opinion, PDF] Tuesday in Sturgeon v. [read post]
1 Oct 2013, 5:21 pm by Mary Dwyer
The petition of the day is: Knappe v. [read post]
5 May 2016, 8:00 pm by John Ehrett
The petition of the day is: Lee v. [read post]
28 Oct 2011, 12:18 am by John Diekman
Practice point: Pursuant to CPLR 3215(c), if a plaintiff fails to seek entry of a judgment within one year after default, the court shall dismiss the complaint as abandoned, absent a showing of sufficient cause why it should not be dismissed.Student note: The showing must include a viable excuse for the delay, and a demonstrably meritorious cause of action.Case: Utak v. [read post]
24 Apr 2023, 9:00 am by Marika R. Strobl
In Dow Chemical Canada ULC v Nova Chemicals, 2023 ABKB 215, Justice Woolley dismissed Dow’s Originating Application seeking, among other things, a declaration under s. 47 of the Arbitration Act RSA 2000, c A-43 that an arbitration was invalid because the arbitration agreement did not apply to the matter in dispute. [read post]
30 Oct 2010, 12:46 pm by Javier Muñoz
El código es cortesía de Flash XML, y muestra esto (solo visible para navegadores con Flash): [read post]