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20 Mar 2020, 7:33 am
 Any orders from those emergency matters will be signed and submitted to the Clerk at that time for filing (See procedure below).Any emergency hearings require 3-days* e-mail notice to the parties (atty/pro se and SAO), the Clerk’s (all 5 names, see procedures below), the Judge presiding (see list below), and Carmen Bravo/Marcelo Ancheta at AOC (to ensure access is allowed IF a party does not want to appear telephonically). [read post]
23 Jun 2020, 12:05 pm by Gritsforbreakfast
 Grits' experience has been that policy changes like #8cantwait don't matter if agency culture doesn't support reform. [read post]
8 Feb 2015, 9:34 am by Steve Kalar
Failure to prove venue can lead to a Rule 29 victory, but the district court can find venue as a matter of law (even when the jury did not find venue proper!). [read post]
17 Dec 2019, 12:41 pm by David Super
  In theory, Senator McConnell could refuse to recognize such a filibuster just as he (and his predecessor, Senator Harry Reid) did when they changed the Senate’s rules for judicial confirmations. [read post]
15 Jun 2023, 9:20 am by
Several other matters we raised are part of the Committee’s directives to the USDA, too. [read post]
7 Nov 2012, 12:07 pm
Harris (asking whether a court must closely scrutinze a dog's track record in determining whether his alert to drugs provides the police with probable cause) . [read post]
30 Oct 2018, 2:27 pm by Eugene Volokh
U.S. citizenship is one of the most valuable things in the world, and we generally don't let people get hugely valuable things because of the criminal acts (even if only mildly criminal) of their parents, or for that matter because their parents were lawfully visiting the U.S. at a particular time. [read post]
24 Mar 2016, 11:36 am by Dave Maass
Despite what you may have read, we are not involved in these legal matters as a "cracker's defense fund," but rather to ensure that the Constitution will continue to apply to digital media. [read post]
23 Apr 2013, 6:28 am
Kaley, and Keith JablonCase number: 09-cv-1963 (United States District Court for the Middle District of Florida)Case filed: November 18, 2009Qualifying Judgment/Order: March 29, 2013 4/15/2013 7/15/2013 2013-37 SEC v. 3 Eagles Research & Development LLC, Harry Dean Proudfoot III, Matthew Dale Proudfoot, Laurie Anne Vrvilo and Dennis Ashley BukantisCase number: 12-cv-01289 (United States District Court for the District of Oregon)Case filed:… [read post]
29 Jul 2013, 6:08 pm
Blocking algorithms are not some magic Harry Potter like ward-spell, able to discern the evil in the hearts of men from 140 characters. [read post]
21 Jun 2015, 12:30 am by Emily Prifogle
"Naomi Murakawa, a political scientist and associate professor of African American Studies at Princeton, has written an interesting book that blames both features on American liberals—in particular Harry Truman, Ted Kennedy, and Bill Clinton (and Lyndon Johnson and Joe Biden)—and American liberalism. [read post]
18 Apr 2018, 9:01 pm by Vikram David Amar
Certainly breaking California up alters, as a quantitative matter, most every provision in the state constitution, by shrinking its effective reach. [read post]
25 Jun 2015, 9:01 pm by John Dean
More specifically, those taking this positon cite Richard Nixon, not Harry Blackmun in writing Roe, as the villain. [read post]
29 May 2022, 8:42 am by Russell Knight
If the matter was not presented on direct examination, the matter cannot be addressed on cross-examination. [read post]
3 May 2015, 5:47 am by Michael Busby
  He is familiar with the policy and procedures of the Harris and Fort Bend County Texas family law courts. [read post]